Making Zoom Meetings a Little More Social

Since my personal and professional lives still exist exclusively on Zoom, I’m looking for ways to keep it interesting.

Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
Socializing in the Oasis


Photo Courtesy of Jacob Lund

In many ways, I feel like we’ve come full circle with socializing on Zoom. At first, starved of face-to-face interaction, we were all desperate to make the most of interactions on Zoom. I remember my partner commenting on how he was connecting with his friends more than he had in years in the first few months of the pandemic.

It’s been over a year since then and things have changed. For me personally, my volume of meetings has increased dramatically in the last six months, which makes it a bit harder to enjoy socializing on Zoom. What became a fun opportunity to see people when we’re physically apart sometimes feels like more of a chore than a treat.

On a good week like last week, my calendar looks something like this.

A good week… like last week! Very mild ides of March.

On a bad week, it’s more like this.



Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
Socializing in the Oasis

Brooklyn-based writer and poet. Designer in NYC. Drinks books and loves coffee. Has an MS from NYU in Integrated Design & Media. Working on an MFA in Fiction.