Development Update 017 — New Whitepaper & Closed Beta Release Date

Sociall (SCL)
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2018

Welcome all to our seventeenth development update. We’ll be filling you in on our new whitepaper that is scheduled for release, a definitive date for the closed beta release, our new video that is almost complete, and much more.

Image courtesy of Shivangni Singh from MoxyOne


Our brand new whitepaper is scheduled for release on Monday the 12th of March. It contains a lot of updated information and details, such as:

  • New precise roadmap
  • Technical details and diagrams
  • Technology stack of all applications
  • Comprehensive list of all features
  • In-depth details of how our decentralised wallet will work
  • Future plans with IPFS
  • Security plans and audits
  • More details on self-governing
  • SCL details
  • Open-source plans and bounties
  • + much more.

We recommend reading through the document from start to finish to really grasp what we are trying to achieve. Please note that it is a work in progress and will most likely be updated often. As technology changes and new integrations and APIs are released, our technology stack and implementation plans may also change with it.

Closed Beta

The closed beta is scheduled for release on Monday the 26th of March. Our new dev-ops engineer, Nick, starts on the 12th of March and will begin to setup the beta and deployment environments. This should be completed a few days before the 26th, although we’ll need time to test them in-house before pushing it live.

We have now closed the beta registration form as we had nearly 300 people sign up over the last few weeks. This form was only displayed on our blog to our advocate readers. Thank you to all that registered. We will send out emails with more details on the 26th on how you can get started with the beta.

Depending on how the closed beta goes, we may open registrations to more users wanting to participate in the beta.

The platform will only be moved to a public release once all bugs and issues have been removed and our security auditing firm deems it to be secure with no vulnerabilities. We estimate this to be very late April or early May. This estimation can change depending on how the closed beta goes.

New Video

We have a brand new video in the final stages of production. It’s more of an overview video that explains Sociall in a simple manner.

This video will be used on our home page. We will upload it to YouTube early next week. Keep an eye on our social media channels for when it’s uploaded. Below is an early sneak peak!

Security Audits

We have begun our third party security audits. A reputable local firm will be running checks on our code, setups, systems, servers, deployment and much more.

We have five applications that they will be auditing for us:

  • Main frontend application
  • Authentication server
  • API server
  • Image processing micro-service
  • Sockets micro-service

They will return with a comprehensive report that will help us improve our code and fix any security vulnerabilities that may exist. We’re hoping to have the audit complete and the fixes in place before we launch the closed beta.


Our law firm has completed all legal documents that will be displayed on the website. These include:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Positing Policy
  • Beta Agreement (beta participants only)

Those documents are very straight forward. Unlike other legal documents on mainstream social networks, these documents do not claim ownership of any data that you upload to Sociall. These documents are only in place to protect the company and its users.

Contact & Support

If you have any questions regarding this post or our project, please feel free to contact us via the avenues below.












Sociall (SCL)

Sociall is a secure and private social network for all that utilises its native cryptocurrency, SCL.