Finalising our Team + Sociall Giveaway

Sociall (SCL)
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

Introducing our Newest Members and our Sticker Pack Giveaway

Team Sociall is now complete! With three new additions to introduce, we are pleased to say that our team is finalised and recruitment is now finished.

As we have built our team over the last year, our hiring philosophy has always remained the same. We committed to not only making sure all candidates were well experienced, with depth of experience and skillsets for their position, but ensuring they also complimented the dynamic of our already established team.

Our total team count now comprises a development and product team of 11, marketing team of 5, business admin team of 3 and includes senior leadership with our CFO, CMO and Product Manager. Oh and of course, our founder and CEO Jade.

We would now like to formally introduce you to our 3 latest additions, Dan, Amy and Jared.

New Team Members


Dan is our Digital Designer, responsible for managing our visual brand across all our platforms (no pressure!). Dan will be bringing our social channels and comms to life with fresh visuals that differentiate Sociall from competitors. A photographer, designer, digital marketer and art director, Dan is a valuable asset to our in-house team.


Amy joins Sociall as Digital Marketing Specialist, and has a huge goal of user acquisition. We’ve set some pretty steep user adoption targets, and Amy’s experience in digital campaigns, conversion metrics and customer engagement will be key to spreading the word about Sociall globally. Originally from the UK, Amy relocated to the Gold Coast last year and has been kicking goals ever since. Our Marketing team is now complete and we’re strategically planning for the launch of Open Beta and beyond.


Jared is has joined our development team as UX (User Experience) Design lead. He’s in charge of all user orientated aspects of the application, such as planning visual design with wireframes, product research, assisting with personas and scenario planning, IA (Information Architecture), prototyping new and upcoming features, user product testing, and much more.

Sticker Pack Giveaway

We love how passionate you all are about our project, and welcome the feedback you provide on our social channels. Which is why we’re sharing the love with our limited edition Sociall sticker pack giveaway, commencing Friday 7 September. Make sure you’re following our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram profiles for your chance to WIN. Details will be released soon with multiple chances to win — enter on every platform to boost your odds.

We are closing in on our 1st birthday here at Sociall HQ, and boy, we have certainly come a long way in 12 months. Our Open Beta release is just within reach and we’re counting down the days until we can finally share our project with you all.

Absent: Kelly, Daniel and Jessy (behind the lens)

Contact & Support

If you have any questions regarding this post or our project, please feel free to contact us via the avenues below.



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Telegram (announcements):










Sociall (SCL)

Sociall is a secure and private social network for all that utilises its native cryptocurrency, SCL.