Three Blogs Every Workaholic Needs to Read

Sociall (SCL)
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2019

Structuring work, overcoming failure and switching off your work brain.

Living to work instead of working to live ... A lot of people can’t seem to distinguish the differences in these two mottos. Workaholics especially love to live for work, with all their spare time either spent in the office, or thinking about the office.

However, working all the time can be draining, on your mental health, motivation and personal relationships. It’s important for workaholics to learn balance, focusing on the best ways to avoid distraction tornados, turning failure into habits for success and how to switch your work brain off after hours.

These blogs can help achieve that goal of a happier, healthier, more productive work lifestyle.

How to structure your work days:

It’s so easy for a day at work to be blown out of whack. Phone calls, meetings, colleagues and general office distractions all play a part in the tornado that rips through your work hours.

But the good news is, you can break through this productivity destruction and get things back on track. All it takes is prioritisation, focus and harnessing your energy.

Check out this blog to find out how:

How to overcome failure:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

Everyone experiences failure, many of the most successful people in the world have hit downfalls. But it’s how you overcome that failure and spin it into a positive which makes defeat an important part of growth.

Daily reflection, waking up up early and focusing on tasks are just some of the habits needed to turn failure into success.

Check out the 5 helpful habits for success, broken down in this blog:

How to switch your work brain off:

Workaholics are quite literally addicted to the hustle. But working 24/7 is not only unhealthy, it’s also productively ineffective.

We understand it’s easier said than done, to just stop thinking about work at 5pm each day. However, allowing yourself to relax and enjoy free time will actually make you more productive in the working hours that matter most. Learning to leave work at home is also proven to reduce anxiety and help with sleeping patterns.

Here are 6 tips to help leave your work brain in the office:

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