MDWA — The Most Dangerous Writing App, First Impressions and Review

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3 min readAug 24, 2018

Today I came across this website that I had never heard of before, nor have I ever thought it should exist, but here I am writing about it. The only reason I really even gave it a try was because of its name. It’s a really good name. When I first heard of it I was thinking to myself. How is that even possible, but it is. The website is called: The Most Dangerous Writing App. While your thought process was similar to mine. How can a writing app be dangerous? So I decided to give it a try. I loaded it up on my phone and gave it a go. So my reaction and testing, the main part of this post was written before I even knew I would be so interested in this idea. I just happened to talk about what the website does in the test:

So if I stop writing for about 5 seconds everything is erased which is kinda intense so I'm just going to stop for 5 seconds and see what happens. So it gives this fading red into white which is kinda intimidating... I could really loose everything just for not writing or forcing myself to keep writing. Like I said earlier I was going to stop, but watching it fade made me scared I was going to loose my pointless text so I kept writing. It forced a thought into my head while still pointless I can see how if you were going to write something or needed help writing something it forces your mind to stay focused. You just don't want to stop. Which, I mean could force you to produce a bunch of garbage text, but if your experiencing writers block or need help feeling motivated to get words on the page I can see why you would use this. When I started typing this it was just to test how it worked. I didn't plan to keep ok writing, but my inner desire not to lose keepe writing for the 5 minute session I had set. And Because of that I now have over 200 words written when I haddent planned on writing anything. Time.

While I know that is probably one of the hardest paragraphs you’ve ever had to read, I decided to leave it raw, to give you the full experience. I will give myself a little lee-way because I did it on my phone, I still had the over whelming desire to want to edit, and fix the text.

The thing about this is that you can always go back in afterwards and fix your mistakes (if you don’t stop writing that is.) Its not about having the most perfect text, with the best grammar. Its supposed to force you to get text out of your brain and onto the page. And I think it is a fantastic writing tool to have under your belt. I have started, and never finished more blog posts than I can count and the reason is that I end up focusing on what I’m currently writing to focus on what should come next, but then by the time I get to write the next part I feel ‘burned out’ or can’t remember where I wanted to go with it. It forces you to keep writing without highlighting your mistakes or even giving you enough time to focus on any mistakes you could have made.

If you are going to be doing any sort of writing, I would recommend you give it a try. Just don’t pick anything too important to write about or you just may lose it.



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I want to learn 30 different things, have a full time job and a life to live. All my interests get a few minutes here and there, Which is going nowhere.