“What social media marketing tool?” asked the E-Commerce Professional

Khoi Pham
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2017
What type of automation is there to help drive product content for social media professional?

In the ever growing landscape of sales, marketing is the key component to set businesses apart from their competition and grab the attention of their potential customers. Within the last decade, social media marketing has been pivotal to a company’s success. 89% of businesses saw increased market exposure due to social media.*

It evens the proverbial playing field for companies small and large. Small businesses with very minimal marketing budgets to Fortune 500 companies with essentially limitless budgets, both have access to a broader audience with 76% of Americans using social media.** Demographic targeting has become more precise, performance metrics can be pulled in real time and if the campaign went positively viral than likes, shares, retweets are the payoff. Ultimately those impressions made for organic referrals and 71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from social media referrals.*** With such viable reach, social media had become the marketer’s dream.

But with the upsides also came the downsides. Such as TV has its many channels, the internet has multiple Social Media platforms to hold the attention of users. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest among many of them. Marketers are spending more and more time (although splintered) with social media. 63% of marketers are using social media 6 hours or more and 39% for 11 or more hours weekly* This positively yielded 79% finding increased traffic with as little as 6 hours invested in social media marketing.

So what am I getting at is as powerful as a marketing tool as social media is, it requires time dedication across multiple platforms to be truly effective. But with 51% of marketers using social media reporting it helped improve sales*, they were going to dedicate that time and so should every e-commerce seller.

That’s why social media marketing tools have become so prevalent in helping curb the time spend on social media. Tools such as Buffer, Hootsuite, IFTTT, Sprout Social, have been effectively helping marketers better control their social media time dedication. They were now able to manually schedule posts to multiple social media channels thus streamlining their efforts and optimizing their time.

As great as these tools are there was still a market segment that needed to help further and that was the area of e-commerce professionals. There was nothing on the market that was designed to help automate the listing for their items to social media. It was still a manual and redundant task to take advantage of social media.

Enter Socialmatic, an eBay seller’s brainchild, which was born to simplify his workflow by automating his listings to postings. An algorithm is set to pull data from all the listings and automatically convert and post to all designated social media accounts. Tasks that normally take hours across all those social media channels are boiled down to minutes through Socialmatic.

Designed to be simplistic, Socialmatic will make eBay sellers more efficient at social media marketing by using what’s there(product listing data) and driving content to their pages, walls, etc. In combination with other day-to day business relevant content, e-commerce professionals, will ultimately increase sell thru potential.

As the internet age old statement goes, “Content is king” and automation is the most efficient way to help get that “crown.”

** 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

** Source: Global social media research summary 2016

*** Source: SproutSocial 2013

For more details, check out www.socialmatic.io

