5 Steps before Starting An Influencer Marketing Campaign

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3 min readFeb 24, 2018

Influencer marketing has experienced immense growth over the past several years. Until recently, brands may have focused on popular personalities and celebrities but nowadays there is a new way — the so-called “micro-influencers” that can have as large an impact. This article will walk you through the necessary steps you should take to make your campaign successful.

1. Plan your influencer marketing strategy. The ideal influencer marketing campaign happens when your product or service directly corresponds with the personality of the influencer as well as the needs of targeted audience. You can start by looking at your existing customers’ social media activity and ask yourself the right questions. Who do they follow on social media? What type of content are they interested in the most? Use this data so that you could make a list of your potential influencers.

2. Identify and select your next influencer. A bunch of factors affect this decision: your marketing budget, public engagement, influencer’s commitment to their social media and others. Influencers come in all shapes and sizes and with various levels of influence. You might as well put them into categories because each category serves a different purpose and has to be approached differently.

3. Define the type of partnership with the influencer and set key performance indicators (KPI) for the success of your marketing campaign. Creating great content is most important to keep the audience’s interest so giving influencers some freedom in this regard is crucial. What you have to do is build a content strategy to amplify its utility over your whole marketing strategy. Besides, the key ingredient of any advertising campaign is how you plan to measure its success. KPIs depend on the type of influencer advertising but in most cases they include brand awareness, level of social engagement, referral traffic e.g. “How did you find us” questionnaires, trackable links, conversion tracking. These are just a few examples but you can come up with plenty more, depending on the type of product or service you intend to provide your customers with.

4. Define ways and means of paying influencers for their services. This, again, depends of the type of your marketing campaign. Traditionally, influencer’s reward is performance-based. Some brands pay their ambassadors based on the amount of referral traffic (clicks, links, sold products etc.). Others pay a fixed fee with a percent of sales generated by the influencer, normally with a minimum threshold. However, there are exceptional cases where brands merely seek PR reach or quality reviews of their product samples. This will not necessarily generate sales but increase brand awareness.

5. Choose the right analysing course for your marketing campaign results. It is always important to find new ideas for improvement. No strategy is perfect, especially when you start, but if you look for ways to improve, you will see far better results in no time. As you put data together, you can start to use it to optimise your marketing endeavours. You can make a rating of your influencers based on performance level, how much their content engages the public with your brand, and what social media is best for further advertising efforts.

All things considered, this seems like a long and time-consuming manual process. If you seek to avoid devoting all of your time to your ad campaign, our SocialMedia.Market platform suits you best. All of the points mentioned above are fully automated within our technology. Launching your first campaign will take minutes. Making global payments will be secure and much cheaper. You will be protected from scammers by blockchain and your payments will be ensured by Ethereum smart contracts (you can check it out on our GitHub page). You will have all the tools to track down the campaign’s progress and make sure of its success.

SocialMedia.Market is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers. A solution to the major influencer marketing problems, it creates new opportunities for content monetization, community engagement and audience exposure. The new ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and social media token, will simplify marketing interaction between business and influencers.

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The first decentralized ecosystem for influencer marketing.