7 Mistakes You Should Avoid Dealing With Influencer Marketing

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4 min readMar 7, 2018

Recommendations rule the world of commerce. People tend to buy products that are recommended by others. Almost 90% of customers check the comments about stuff they want to buy and rely on the opinion of friends and relatives. That’s why influencer marketing became such a powerful tool in the advertising market. Influencers are modern social media celebrities who are sometimes more popular than pop-stars and actors. Their followers love everything the blogger or vlogger love and unobtrusive advertisement made in a social media channel gains an amazing results.

In the current state, companies can’t ignore influencer marketing and marketers add it to their marketing strategies. Nevertheless,not every brand receives profit from social media advertising. It happens because unexperienced marketers often don’t take into consideration specific features of influencer marketing. You could avoid the most common mistakes after going through this list of tips we’ve gathered for you.

Don’t sell, offer information

That is the most frequent and the most dramatic mistake. A social media channel is not an advertising platform, so you can’t just push your product through it. Direct advertisement won’t work here. If you only focus on your product — you will fail and customers will become more distrustful of your brand. Instead of trying to sell something — try to show the audience something useful. Give something to customers — interesting life hacks, tips, insights, and unique information. If people see that you not only try to gain profit but do your best to be useful to them, they will be more indulgent to a lite product promotion.

Know your audience

You have to define your audience very clearly before starting to spend money on influencer marketing. You have to know who are your perfect customers, what age and gender are they, what do they like, what sphere do they work in, and many other details. You have to imagine a person, that will be your devoted buyer and address all your messages to that person in words and shapes that will be most understandable to them. Without understanding your audience, you will come only to a waste of time and money.

Pick the right channel

This mistake often comes in a pack with a previous one. You will reach customers only when you are broadcasting your message on the channel that will be heard by the target audience. If you don’t really know your target audience or missed to choose the right channel — the brand’s visibility will remain low. Generation Z representatives could be found mostly on Instagram, Facebook will do best for Generation X and Millennials. Investigate what channel does your audience prefer to consume to hit the bull’s eye.

Connect with an influencer

Influencer’s channel is the main cannon of your brand’s warship, but the other, lesser cannons have to support it to gain success in the campaign. When influencers post something about you — repost it on your social media. Use influencers content in other promotions. Take everything the influencer can give you and use it to expand your reach and your influencer’s audience. The more popular your main cannon is — the better it is for your brand.

Avoid expecting too much

You won’t see a result the next day the influencer advertising campaign starts. The chance to see the exponential growth of sales after a week of working with influencers is not very realistic. You have to understand that you won’t face immediate results, so you have to be patient. The influencer marketing main goal is to create a long-lasting tight connection between you and your customers. Influencer advertising campaign will increase your brand’s awareness that will bring you lots of profit in a long-term perspective.

Pay attention to the tech task

If you think that the influencer can understand what you need without any detailed explanations — you’re digging yourself a hole. You need to have a detailed tech task and know for sure what do you need and when do you need it. If an influencer does not understand their part — this is not only their fault but yours too. Make sure that you and your influencers understand each other clearly — it will save you lots of money and efforts.

Don’t ignore measurements

The only way to evaluate your advertising campaign efficiency is to check measurable rates. The number of your company’s account followers, amount of daily visitors to your website, sales increase — by measuring those you will understand whether your efforts bring the results or not. Do the measurements every two weeks to have a clear picture of your campaign dynamics and perspectives.

Maintaining influencer marketing campaigns is as complicated as any digital advertising process. It needs time, efforts, and constant attention. However, if you do everything right — your brand’s visibility will increase sufficiently and the number of sales will grow.

SocialMedia.Market is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers. A solution to the major influencer marketing problems, it creates new opportunities for content monetization, community engagement and audience exposure. The new ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and social media token, will simplify marketing interaction between business and influencers.

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The first decentralized ecosystem for influencer marketing.