Big Brother Is Watching You: Helpful Social Media Statistics in 2018

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3 min readFeb 3, 2018

Everything that you do on social media is recorded. The time you log in, the posts you look at, the likes or shares you make, the groups you join — every move is saved, categorized, and analyzed. It would be terrifying if it wasn’t so useful for marketers and analysts. Statistics on social media help to create interesting content and effective advertising campaigns. The behavior of users defines the pass of digital marketing evolution.

So, here are some milestones for 2018.


It’s hard to imagine someone who has no Facebook account, but statistics show that only 22% of the population uses this social media channel. On the other hand, in October 2017 the population has reached 7,6 billion people. That means that almost 1,7 billion people use Facebook.

In average, users spend on Facebook 35 minutes and access it 8 times during the day. 47% of them enter the platform only via smartphone. Users consume videos more than any other content — they watch 10 million hours of video every day. To follow the trend, you should increase the video part in the content that you create for your subscribers. According to a research 75% of all mobile content will be videos by 2020.

An average organic reach for a post is about 2.6%. The average cost per click on Facebook is about $1.47 and this price is a mean value for all industries. The number of users that make a purchase after clicking on the advertisement is 26%.


People love great images. That’s why an IOS-only app became so popular in a short period of time. It has almost 500 millions of active users per day and they upload about 95 million photos daily. 90% of all those users are younger than 35, so Instagram is generally a “young” social media.

To simplify searching and make your brand more visible you should create a unique brand’s hashtag. More than 70% of hashtags in Instagram are branded. You also have to keep in mind that posts tagged by other users or containing location show higher engagement (56% for other users’ tag and 79% for a location). Unlike Facebook, in Instagram videos get 36% less engagement than photos.

Photos that have faces on it get 38% more likes and since the content created by users has a 4.5% higher conversion rate — ask your followers to send you their photos of your product. 32% of all internet dwellers use Instagram and 68% of them are female. 71% of all US businesses have an account on Instagram, so it is a bit short-sighted to ignore this social media.


This social media became truly international. 97% of all internet users visit the site at least once a year. It has more than 30 million visitors per day. 400 hours of video is loaded onto YouTube every minute. The YouTube monthly revenue is about $54.8K — $877K. A user spends on YouTube about 40 minutes per session, so it is very efficient to place an advertisement on this social media and work with its influencers.


Twitter is a king of mobile — 80% of users access it from their smartphones. In the US, almost 66% of companies that have more than 100 employees use Twitter for their advertising campaigns.

If you use it too — keep in mind, that for users a tweet seems more trustworthy if there is an answer to it. Tweets with pictures get 18% more clicks than those without images. Advertising on Facebook is 6 times cheaper than on Twitter, but Twitter gets 8 to 24 times better results. You can boost offline sales up to 29% with promoted tweets.

Outside the US, Twitter is especially popular in Brazil (almost 28 million users), Japan (about 26 million users) and Mexico (almost 24 million users). From all the revenue received 88% gets mobile advertising.

Information rules the world. Use these statistics in building your social media advertising campaign and you will increase your revenue. And don’t forget to analyze your results!




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