Fresh publications about SocialMedia.Market

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2 min readMar 5, 2018 is an international project which unites brands and bloggers all over the globe. We are proud that our idea has found a response in different parts of the world and SocialMedia.Market is discussed in many languages and on lots of resources.

Today we’ve prepared the recent publications about SocialMedia.Market in different languages:

1. Profitgid.ruБлокчейн на службе у блогеров: рынок готовит новый формат сотрудничества” (Russian);

2. BitcoinistBlockchain at the service of bloggers: market readies a new format for bloggers and advertisers to cooperate” (English);

3. Сoin-turk.comSocialMedia.Market ICO’su Sürüyor” (Turkish)

4. Сryptonews.plBlockchain dla blogerów: Market przygotowuje nowy plan współpracy blogeró” (Polish)

5. Аrbolet.netBlockchain pro blogery: Trh je připraven na nový formát spolupracujících blogerů a inzerentů” (Czech)

6. BTCManager.comInfluencer Marketing Grows Up and Goes Global” (English)

7. Аrabbit.netمنصة “SocialMedia.Market” تستخدم تقنية البلوكشين لتقريب المعلنين والمؤثرين” (Arab)

SocialMedia.Market is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers. A solution to the major influencer marketing problems, it creates new opportunities for content monetization, community engagement and audience exposure. The new ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and social media token, will simplify marketing interaction between business and influencers.

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You can also find the latest news about SocialMedia.Market on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.




The first decentralized ecosystem for influencer marketing.