Fresh publications about SocialMedia.Market

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2 min readMay 25, 2018 is an international project which unites brands and bloggers all over the globe. We are proud that our idea has found a response in different parts of the world and SocialMedia.Market is discussed in many languages and on lots of resources.

Today we’ve prepared the recent publications about SocialMedia.Market in different languages:

1. Arbolet.netSocialMedia.Market pokračuje podle plánu po úspěšném ICO” (Czech);

2. Ambcrypto.comSocialMedia.Market building on successful ICO” (English);

3. Chinabyte.comSocialMedia.Market牙齿当金使(一诺千金)” (Chinese);

4. Crypto-france.comAprès une ICO couronnée de succès, SocialMedia.Market poursuit le développement de sa plateforme” (French);

5. Diariobitcoin.comSocialMedia.Market sigue construyendo tras el éxito obtenido en su ICO” (Spanish);

6. Portaldobitcoin.comSocialMedia.Market está fazendo um ICO de sucesso” (Portuguese);

7. Cryptonews.plSocialMedia.Market oparty na udanym ICO” (Polish);

8. Money.itSocialMedia.Market: dall’ICO in poi un’ascesa sorprendente” (Italian);

9. “ICOマーケットウォッチ:ICO大成功の次に SocialMedia.Market が目指すもの” (Japanese);

10. “블록체인 인플루언서 마케팅 플랫폼 ‘소셜미디어마켓(SMM)” (Korean);

11. Koinbulteni.comBaşarılı Bir ICO Geçiren SocialMedia.Market Çalışmaları Sürdürüyor”(Turkish).

SocialMedia.Market is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers. A solution to the major influencer marketing problems, it creates new opportunities for content monetization, community engagement and audience exposure. The new ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and social media token, will simplify marketing interaction between business and influencers.

Check our SocialMedia.Market platform BETA here.

Ask any questions about the project in our chat on Telegram.

You can also find the latest news about SocialMedia.Market on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.




The first decentralized ecosystem for influencer marketing.