How to keep your Social Media profile popular

Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2019

Social Media world is something, going forward faster than we can predict. Trends change each other, pages gain and lose audience and influencers should be responsive to the news. How to stay changeable, but not to lose primary personal brand? What to do to stay on top, if you’re already there? How to react to new coming trends and achieve new numbers of followers? This article will be useful for mature influencers and new faces of this social media world.

Things to remember, when you’re an influencer

Influence — is not a popularity

Brian Solis said it many years ago, but these words stay appropriate now. Popularity — is not influence — remember this, when you received your target number of followers. Popularity is something too much unpredictable and changing, too often depending on other people. Influence is the ability to cause measurable actions and outcomes — it depends on yourself. If you know the difference, you’ll be able to plan your content the way, it’ll be popular as well.

Follow your strategy

Just change the tools. If you started as a fashion observer, don’t switch to psychology and vice versa. Create content according to your niche. That will help users to know what to predict from your page. This gives people a feeling of comfort and keeps loyalty. But try as many tools, as you can. If your page is built on texts, try to make videos. If you become popular with your video stories, try photos or texts. Make your content variable but within your major strategy.

Communication is the key

Interaction with your users is useful when you form a brand community. But it is not less useful when you try to keep your positions. Communication with followers gives you an understanding of what your followers are interested in, what they like and dislike and how they interact with your page. The more you communicate, the more likely your page is to have positive associations. In other words, engaging with your audience is a crucial part of the growth process.

The new experience is a constant value

We live in continuous growth and development. Life changes very quickly and studying something new has become currency, which may pay your success. Stay open to the new experience, share it with your followers, be ready to keep in touch with the news of this world. This will keep an interest towards your page and followers loyalty.

Some people say, that your social media profile is for other people, others say — it is for you. Our opinion — the truth is somewhere in the middle. If you’re influencer — influence. And make it in the way which is useful, pleasant and joyful for you.




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