Recent publications about SocialMedia.Market

Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2018 is an international project which unites brands and bloggers all over the globe. We are proud that our idea has found a response in different parts of the world and SocialMedia.Market is discussed in many languages and on lots of resources.

We feel this support and continue working on the beta-version of our platform. Soon we will be able to show the results: the release of the beta is scheduled for the next week.

Meanwhile we want to share several articles about our service:

С “SocialMedia.Market: écosystème marketing mettant en relation influenceurs et entreprises” (French);

С “ICO dostosowują ceny tokenów zgodnie ze wzrostem wartości kryptowalut” (Polish);

А “Cryptocurrency خط أسعار رموز الICO مع نمو” (Arab);

А “SocialMedia.Market mění směnný kurz tokenu v závislosti na vývoji kurzů kryptoměn” (Czech); “Il mercato unisce le forze prima della ICO del primo ecosistema di marketing decentralizzato” (Italian); “ICOBox e SocialMedia.Market Juntam Forças antes da ICO do Primeiro Ecossistema Descentralizado de Marketing de Influência” (Portuguese); “ICOBox y SocialMedia.Market se unen en ICO del primer ecosistema descentralizado de influencers” (Spanish);

The SocialMedia.Market ICO starts on February 9 and will last till March 16, 2018. The Hard Cap for the project is 16 000 ETH. The token exchange rate of the Social Media token is 1 ETH for 2 500 SMT. To join the main phase of the token sale you need to sign up on our website.

We are also holding a presale, where you can buy tokens with a 20% bonus. The minimum contribution amount during the presale is 25 ETH. The presale will be held on February 2–9, 2018.

Stay tuned and don’t forget to join the discussion in our chat on Telegram. You can also find the latest news about the project on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.




The first decentralized ecosystem for influencer marketing.