Weird 13 — strange fun blogs

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7 min readAug 28, 2018

The web just won’t quit fascinating us with, literally, ‘waves’ of extraordinary content to amaze, excite, and shock our imaginations. And while there are tons of random pieces of entertainment out there, if you search well enough, there is most everything your heart may desire available online. Whatever your preference or point of view — the topic, most probably, has already been studied and highlighted online.

Basically, we get a unique ability to willingly choose our source of inspiration, which isn’t only about fun, really. Whether you seek new perspectives or a creativity boost or want to expand professional knowledge — most various blogs, vlogs, and threads are at your service at all times.

The ‘barrage’ of online excitement is delivered by daring content makers with most various ideas to share. People seem to have covered it all — from traveling desolate places of the Earth to capturing faces in things and sharing the experience of living in the car. The things people share may at times go as far as being a total absurdity. Which only makes everything even more diverse, meeting virtually anyone’s interests.

We’re going to take a look at some unusual, non-standard blogs and instagrams, as well as some personalities behind them, who shake up the Internet and our imaginations.

1. An adorable ghost

Do you believe in paranormal activity? Well, this Instagram account will definitely make you, because this ghost is cute beyond our realm. Follow this account to enjoy the everyday adventures of this adorable spirit and to see which places he’s going to haunt next.

2. Miserable Men

Almost every man knows what it’s like to shop with mother, girlfriend or wife. Another “five minutes” while your companion tries on multiple outfits and doesn’t buy any one of them may seem almost like an infinity. This Instagram account is dedicated to the most “tragic” stories of men like these.

3. 64-year-old Instagram model

Lyn Slater is a 64-year-old sociology professor from Fordham University, who doesn’t care too much about the age stereotypes and accidentally became a popular Instagram model!

Her journey began about 4 years ago when journalists spotted her in the brand outfit and assumed she was one of the models during the New York Fashion Week. The irony itself provided the most proper name for her Instagram account. Since that encounter, Lyn has gained hundreds of thousands of followers and dozens of brand deals. Her message, though, remains the same, and it’s definitely worthy of a sociology professor — wear whatever you want to wear and be whatever you want to be, despite the age, stereotypes or social judgement.

4. Watch your step

The next person on our list of the most unusual bloggers is Sebastian Erras. According to his Instagram account, this German photographer is obsessed with floors and feet (in a good way). Although it might sound weird, it is actually really beautiful and fascinating. Sebastian manages to find the most impressive and awe-inspiring mosaic floors all over Europe, select shoes that suit the style of these floors (which probably takes a lot of time) and makes a unique composition that cannot be called anything but art. If you’re into designer shoes and vintage patterns, you will definitely love this Instagram account.

5. Literally dead

This is probably one of the spookiest social media accounts on the Internet. It follows the adventures of Skellie, the female skeleton, which may look like a one-time Halloween setup, but it’s actually one of the most exciting unusual blogs out there. It’s clearly a jab at all the basic female Instagram models, but it’s done really tastefully, and funny.

6. Heaven for a perfectionist

Have you ever had that strange satisfying feeling from organizing your food, color-coding your wardrobe, and otherwise making something fit perfectly with its surroundings? If yes — you will definitely enjoy this Instagram account (and you might have OCD). Adam Hillman, the man behind the account, is great at arranging everyday objects, from food to q-tips, in really satisfying ways. It’s always quite intriguing what he’s going to come up with next.

7. School of life

It is a known fact that an education system is flawed in teaching how to live your life. A lot of interesting and useful stuff gets dropped, while the main focus shifts toward impractical information and boring tests. This Youtube channel aims to solve this problem by creating content that would help children and adults to be more accommodated in life. This may not be one of the most unusual blogs on the list, but it’s definitely one of the most useful.

8. Life on the road

Traveling to absolutely new places you’ve never been to is an exciting experience. Although, it isn’t affordable for everyone, as many tend to believe. Turns out, you can easily live on the road, and this travel vlog is a direct proof of that. Ahle has been living in her car for more than two years and if you want to join her on the road, she is ready to share some helpful tips with you.

9. Coffee drawings

Art takes a lot of different and weird forms. Some modern art pieces seem really confusing to the wide audience. However, this Instagram account is not like that. It is oriented towards the beautiful pieces of art, created with something lots of people encounter everyday — coffee. Of course, a lot of baristas decorate their coffee beverages with drawings, but not a lot of them can draw Van Gogh’s Starry Night on your cappuccino.

10. Animal Whisperer

This is one of the cutest unusual blogs out there, just because if you’re an animal lover — it will instantly make you smile. Allan Dixon, claims to understand what animals want to tell us. And, by the photo and video ‘evidence’ he provides, he seems to be absolutely honest. The number of animals that want to talk to him is astounding and ranges from hedgehogs to elephants. So, if you’re ready to get a cuteness overload — this account is just for you.

11. Real-life art

The Instagram art of Jesuso Ortiz, is also very interesting and somewhat bizarre. The man proves that with a bit of imagination, you can find beauty in almost every object. Turning the common objects into a thoughtful minimalistic art requires vision, and with such a powerful message, this account really deserves its place alongside sophisticated coffee art and the works for perfectionists.

12. Qikipedia

Have you ever seen British panel shows? They are pretty unusual, so it’s no wonder that a related Twitter account is also a curious sight to behold. QI (or Quite Interesting) is a show based on interesting facts most people do not know. Its social media account posts are weird, yet fascinating pieces of information you might not even thought existed. So, if you want to amaze your friends with your knowledge of relatively useless trivia, you should definitely explore this account.

13. Faces around you

If you feel that your water tap watches you or that there is a face of a lion on your carpet, you’re not alone. This Twitter account posts faces (or even bodies) people find in objects around them. It might seem absurd, but it is a great test for your imagination. See for yourself, and you will definitely find more faces around you in real life.

Extraordinary isn’t that hard to come upon online

Non-standard, original blogs and pages in social media appear every day and it’s only a matter of time before something or someone completely new and exciting reaches the wide publicity and grabs a hold of curious users’ attention. Chances are most topics that strike your fancy are already highlighted online by various interesting characters — choosing which one is worthy of your attention is up to you. Otherwise, now’s the great time to expand your scope of social or art interests with our list. And if you think there’s a topic that’s gravely missed in the world of original blogging, maybe it’s high time for you to present it to the world?..




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