Youtube influencer marketing: most effective alternatives to pre-rolls

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4 min readDec 30, 2017

Do you recall how you’ve searched Youtube for the latest video from your favorite band? You’ve found it, clicked on the start button — and suddenly you have to watch a short promo of the new auto or smartphone without an opportunity to skip it. Or even worse: you’re watching a fascinating talk of the new online-guru — and the boring advertising is breaking the video at the most exciting part, like it was in the TV-era. You can also see an advertising after the main video but who really watches the last seconds of Youtube-videos. This is the world of traditional Youtube ads — pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.

The fact is that a huge amount of Youtube users are really annoyed by these rolls. And every marketer knows: what annoys too much — doesn’t sell. But what can replace an accustomed standard as a more profitable alternative? Our answer is: try influencer marketing and work directly with channels and bloggers. It’s not an easy-to-manages strategy — but it is one of the best opportunities to reach the target audience with relevant content.

How does this collaboration work? There are 5 types of product presentation by a Youtube blogger, and we highly recommend you to use them in addition to traditional marketing instruments. There are:

Product review. Modern buyers are usually choosing new gadgets with the help of Youtube reviews and unboxings. A blogger demonstrates the product, repeats its name and speaks about the product advantages (more) and disadvantages (less). It’s presented in a familiar style for the channel audience and is perceived by the audience so much better than a routine press release. Moreover, such friendly, native communication looks more interesting and truthful than photo-reviews in glossy magazines. Worthy example: Unboxing The $3000 Rolling Headphones

Video clip

This format has a great potential: it is a good event in itself, it engages the passive audience and increases brand awareness. If the video clip is directed properly, the blogger involved in the video automatically becomes an ambassador of the brand. One should keep in mind that video clips are limited not only by the format itself but also by the artistic and vocal abilities of the blogger. Preparing and shooting a high-quality video clip can take months and needs careful planning, sufficient budget and lots of additional sources like production, text and music writing, singing lessons for blogger, actors casting, etc. Worthy example: case of Cornetto brand,


One of the most popular types of influencer collaboration. It is most useful for companies that need direct mentions of a brand name or a product. When sponsorship is capably integrated with a theme of a clip or podcast, it increases brand awareness and the audience loyalty. Worthy example: Art of Charm


The blogger takes a few minutes in his usual video and announces promotions, discounts and other marketing activities of your brand. It can be made by the promoted company or blogger himself and looks like a well-integrated pre-, mid- or post-roll. Worthy example:

Product placement

The blogger simply uses your product within a video, often without naming the brand or mentioning that the video is sponsored. This is the most discreet and unobtrusive version of the influencer collaboration. Such indirect promotion is frequently used in cinema and TV-shows Worthy example: Tan Jian Hao inserts the game Dynasty Warriors in this skit:

As you can see, YouTube influencer marketing is very different from the good old pre-roll marketing. But traditional ways have at least one undeniable advantage: if you’re an advertiser or an experienced vlogger, you know exactly how it works, you always know rules of the game. And this is exactly the thing you need for successful playing on still uncertain and chaotic new field of influencer marketing with no regulations and an army of agents and scammers. And the solution for it is coming soon, in February 2018.

SocialMedia.Market is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers on the clear and regulated basement. This new ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and social media token, will simplify marketing interaction between business and influencers and create an innovative space for influencer marketing with transparent rules and safe interactions. An accessible and competitive marketplace will open opportunities for thousands of influencers and brands all over the globe, to form targeted audience exposure and engage consumers in the most relevant and efficient way.




The first decentralized ecosystem for influencer marketing.