Deep Dive Into New Features: DM Campaigns

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3 min readAug 3, 2016

Back when we launched SocialRank Premium, we also introduced the DM Campaign feature. DM Campaign is only available for our Premium and Market Intel clients. You can upgrade to Premium or reach out about Market Intel here.

DM Campaigns enable you to scale one on one interactions with your followers on Twitter. You can send personalized messages to a group of individuals all at once rather than having to do the tedious process of copy and paste.

Brands love DM Campaigns and find it to be useful for inviting followers to special events, giving them products before they come out, surprise and delight campaigns, and other campaigns that provide value. We don’t recommend using DM Campaign for things that don’t provide value for your followers. For example, sharing content (that could otherwise be tweeted,) asking for retweets, etc.

Imagine you’re Nike, you have a new concept store launching in Los Angeles and you want to invite 200 of your most engaged followers in LA to shop before the grand opening. You would use SocialRank to build a list of these most engaged followers, and then go a step further by taking action on the list you’ve built through DM Campaign.

You can find the ‘DMs’ tab on the top navigation bar. Choose a name for your campaign, select recipients using a list you’ve built or by entering the individual handles and lastly, enter your message. You can also attach a media file to your DM.

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You can add tags (like a mail merge) to personalize the DM Campaign to the individual accounts (i.e. “Hey {firstName}” as opposed to something generic.) This lets you add a personal touch to your DM campaign and scale in a meaningful way. If you enter a tag incorrectly it will be highlighted in red — you can copy and paste from the ‘Available tags’ section just to be safe.

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Currently, we’ve capped it at 10 recipients, but if you need an increase simply click ‘(request recipients increase),’ let us know how many, and a brief description of the campaign.

Once you’ve sent your DM Campaign, click the DM tab. The Message Center provides an overview of all your campaigns. To see details of each campaign click ‘View Campaign.’ You can see the status of each individual DM (Pending, Finished, or Failed.) You can also pause the campaign while it’s running; this is useful when you’ve spotted an error on a campaign being sent to a large group. (DM’s go out about 1 per second.)

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We’re already thinking of features to add so you can get the most out of DM Campaigns on SocialRank. We think it would be very beneficial to be able to measure a campaign, track response rates, and pull in the responses.

If you think that would be useful or have any other ideas and thoughts on DM Campaigns (or anything really) let us know at!




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.