How One Of Our Customers Used SocialRank for Twitter to Find Their Ideal Fans and Followers

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3 min readSep 4, 2020

We recently launched a Free Version of our platform SocialRank. Our goal with the Free Plan was twofold. We wanted to allow people to familiarize themselves with our platform at no cost but we also wanted to be able to still provide value for those on our Free Plan. We recently outlined The 3 Best Things About the SocialRank Free Plan and the number one thing was Cerebro — a tool that allows you to filter through over 1 billion Twitter profiles to find the perfect influencers for you and your brand.

When one of our customers, Kendall Aliment Ostrow, Head of IQ Client Strategy at United Talent Agency learned of our free plan, she shared this amazing Twitter thread of ways she and her team have leveraged our platform to benefit their clients including using Twitter Cerebro which is included in the Free Plan.

The Thread

“For the past six years, SocialRank has been one of my favorite analytics tools. Now they have a free plan! Which includes Cerebro, a tool that searches Twitter to find the perfect influencers for your brand. Examples of how we’ve used SocialRank.

A client was launching a show in Vegas. We used SocialRank’s Cerebro to find women who were tweeting about planning a bachelorette party in Vegas. We surprised them with free tickets for their entire party.

Another client was looking to promote their new film. We searched SocialRank’s Cerebro to identify verified Twitter users with more than 10k followers who were based in LA or NY and had tweeted about the actor’s past films. We invited five to be our guests at the premiere.

Using SocialRank’s account reports, we identified a musician client’s FIRST follower and their most ENGAGED follower in each city of their tour. We DM’d the fans and gave them free meet and greet passes for the show.

These are just a handful of the ways we’ve used SocialRank. Highly recommend for anyone looking to know more about precisely WHO their audience is (not just broad demo info) and HOW you can “surprise and delight” followers with value and experiences they’re not expecting.”

Why We Love This Thread So Much

We love this thread because it showcases different ways you can leverage our platform.

With the first example, it shows using Cerebro to find a specific type of person (women) going to a specific city (Las Vegas) for a specific event (bachelorette party). You can replicate this with your business and target people in a certain geographic location in need of your specific product or service. Instead of waiting for customers to find you — you find them first and provide value upfront.

The second example, while similar to the first includes an added element — filtering based on follower count. Not only can you find potential customers with SocialRank you can also find influential people interested in your brand and/or product and approach them for influencer marketing campaigns and to become brand ambassadors.

The third and final example highlights one of our initial goals at Trufan, to easily enable brands to engage with and reward their top fans and followers. By filtering through your followers you can quickly and easily find the answers to questions like “who was my first follower in x city?” and “who is my most engaged fan?”.
Please note that running reports on your own account are included in the Core Plan and higher. The Free Plan includes 5 Preset Twitter Reports.

What Are You Waiting For?

Our Free Plan is free forever. You can come on to SocialRank risk free and see how our platform works and even start to see results for you and your business. If you want to learn more about our Free Plan or any of our Paid Plans, click here.




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.