Introducing SocialRank for Instagram

Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2015

At SocialRank we’re always thinking about where our industry is headed and what role we play in that future. Three things constantly turn up when we talk about the trajectory of social media and marketing:

First: there’s not one, but multiple social networks now with 100mm+ users — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and the rest of the gang.

Second: hundreds of millions of people are using these social platforms as integral parts of their daily lives.

Third: despite painstakingly building audiences on these social networks, brands don’t spend enough time understanding who exactly their existing followers are.

This blind spot is what we’re trying to address. We believe that over the next few years it’s going to become as important to understand who your existing followers are before running off to gain new ones. Our goal is to build a central location for anyone to be able to manage all of their followers across multiple social networks. We’re working to put the “people” piece of the puzzle back into the marketing stack.

Over the past year, these thoughts has guided many of our product decisions. Up until now we’ve focused solely on our Twitter product. Today, however, that changes with the launch of SocialRank for Instagram.

Launching SocialRank for Instagram

[caption id=”attachment_925" align=”alignnone” width=”1440"]

New Homepage

New Homepage[/caption]

SocialRank for Instagram will have a lot of the same segmentation features as our Twitter product. You will be able to log in for free, load up your Instagram account, and quickly filter and sort through your Instagram followers based on engagement, bio keywords, location, and a few new ones like filtering by followers that use certain hashtags.

When your Instagram report loads after you log in, you will be directed to your Followers List. Here is where you will be able to do all your filtering and sorting through your Instagram followers.

[caption id=”attachment_926" align=”alignnone” width=”1440"]

SocialRank for Instagram

SocialRank for Instagram[/caption]

One new feature we’ve added is the ability to see each follower’s top three Instagram posts. When you hover over each post, you will be able to see any captions that accompany the image, as well as how many likes and comments the post got. This should be an interesting way to get a quick look at what your followers are sharing on IG:

[caption id=”attachment_930" align=”alignnone” width=”652"]

SocialRank for Instagram Card

SocialRank for Instagram Card[/caption]

But what if you want to switch over and look at your Twitter followers? Simple. Just toggle over to Twitter via the switch located above the green Save List icon:

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We’ve seen people use our Twitter product in extremely inspiring ways. From finding your biggest follower in a city to help promote a blood drive, to rewarding your most engaged fan with a physical or digital product — SocialRank helps brands find their people.

For the past two weeks we’ve been seeding brands and organizations with an early version of the product. We’d like to highlight a few great brands and organizations that are doing cool things with the people they find via SocialRank.

If you’re interested in what we’re building, have any feedback for us, or otherwise want to drop us a note to say hello, you can reach us at




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.