Introducing SocialRank Premium

Published in
5 min readMay 17, 2016

Today is a big day at SocialRank.

We’re excited to announce a new product called SocialRank Premium.

SocialRank Premium helps brands and agencies take action with their audience. For the past two years SocialRank has helped brands identify and segment their audiences. Now we help them take that pivotal next step, action, inside of SocialRank.

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We’ve found that brands and agencies want to do more with their audience but don’t have the tools to figure out who they should work with. On top of that they don’t have software to manage it (all currently done on spreadsheets). So we, basically, built software to not only find and identify the right people in your audience (what SocialRank has been till now) but also to do things with them once they’re found.

Let’s jump into the new features:

Account Summary (Available on Twitter and Instagram)

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A few months back we removed something we had called the SocialRank Dashboard. We didn’t love it and knew we could do better. We are bringing back many of its components in a new feature called Account Summary. In your account you can click a blue “Show Summary” button and see macro data on your audience. We have data, such as, Total Followers, Verified Followers, Follower Activity, Follower Distribution, Top Follower Location, Popular bio words, Popular words in posts, Popular hashtags in posts, and then Most Valuable, Most Engaged, and Best Followers.

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The neat piece to Account Summary is the ability to make queries and have the data change. For example, if I want the account summary of only my followers that have the word “Engineer” in their bio, I can rework the Account Summary for that query.

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Export to PDF (Available on Twitter and Instagram)

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This feature lets you take out Account Summary in a PDF. This is perfect for sharing with your team or printing out and bringing to a meeting.

DM Campaign (Available on Twitter only)

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This is our favorite new feature. DM Campaign gives you the ability to DM a group of people, individually, at the same time. This can be very useful when looking to invite multiple people to a special event, seeding a product to select group of followers, and more.

You can find the DM campaign button in the top navigation bar. Once in, you choose a name for your campaign, select recipients using a list or by entering the handles and enter your message.

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We have the ability to add tags (like a mail merge) to personalize the DM Campaign to the individual accounts (i.e. “Hey {firstName} as opposed to something generic). This lets you scale your one to one relationships in a meaningful way.

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Once you send the DM campaign, you can review it by clicking View Campaign.

New Filters + Other Features

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We have been releasing improved filters (new and existing), as well as making other feature advances for the past few months and they are a big part of the release today.

They range from the Word/Hashtag Search, Location, and Compare Accounts Filter to Building Lists, Seeing Context of Engagement, and tons more. Each item has a link to a blog post that corresponds with the release. You can find them all on the SocialRank Blog.

SocialRank vs. SocialRank Premium vs. SocialRank Market Intelligence

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SocialRank Premium costs $49/mo and is a self-serve subscription service.

As of today, there are three pieces to SocialRank:

SocialRank Basic (or just SocialRank) is a free service that lets you log in with your Twitter or Instagram account, pull in all of your followers, and slice and dice them by Sorting and Filtering options. All sorting and filtering options are available to use as much as you’d like. Account Summary also comes with SocialRank Basic.

SocialRank Premium is a paid subscription ($49/mo) that lets you take action with your followers. The ability to Export to CSV, Save to SocialRank, Direct Message, Follow, Build Lists, Export to PDF, DM Campaigns, and more.

SocialRank Market Intelligence is the third piece. Market Intel lets you run any account on Twitter or Instagram as if it is your own. For this product you need to reach out to us for pricing as we work to tailor it for your organization. For this product you also get SocialRank Teams, a unique URL and environment to collaborate as a team.

You can find more info about each of these at

Discount Pricing for Individuals, Nonprofits, Startups and More

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The pricing for SocialRank Premium is meant for social media managers. If you are a nonprofit, startup, journalist, celebrity, individual and have budget constraints — reach out to us at

What’s Next?

[caption id=”attachment_2791" align=”alignnone”]

Space shuttle Atlantis is seen as it launches from pad 39A on Friday, July 8, 2011, at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The launch of Atlantis, STS-135, is the final flight of the shuttle program, a 12-day mission to the International Space Station. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

Space shuttle Atlantis is seen as it launches from pad 39A on Friday, July 8, 2011, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The launch of Atlantis, STS-135, is the final flight of the shuttle program, a 12-day mission to the International Space Station. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)[/caption]

When we released SocialRank Teams, we wrote about the future of SocialRank.

We’ve been mostly quiet the past 6 months building some awesome new things. We’ve really hit our stride here at SocialRank, growing every single month by over 30%.

The release today helps organizations unlock and extract all this untapped value from their audience to get the most out of social.

We will continue to build out functionality that helps brands, agencies, advertisers, better connect with their audience. We are also thinking about the next networks to add, as SocialRank works for any network where you can follow or be followed. The future of SocialRank is bright.

If you have any questions, comments, feedback — please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly at




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.