New Feature: Engagement Rate

Kharly Stauber
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2017

SocialRank is always looking to help users find the most granular data on the audience members they’re searching for.

On each Profile Card, we have added a new metric titled: Engagement Rate

A user’s Engagement Rate is simply measured through the sum of Retweets and Likes over followers on Twitter, and the sum of Comments and Likes over followers on Instagram.

This bit of information can be helpful when searching for individuals that generate audience interaction.

To locate your followers with the highest rate of engagement, search under “Sort”, select “Engagement” and highlight over to “Engagement Rate”.

Users with the greatest engagement rate may have a modest following (due to the fact that there is no cutoff for the number of following a profile must have). This is common because fewer followers make all activity turn to a greater percentage of engagement. To discover who is receiving engagement from a larger audience, we recommend the addition of our “Number of Followers” filter:

When lifting the minimum number of followers, this opens the ability to find users that have a high Engagement Rate paired with a strong following — allowing for a better idea of who is sparking involvement from the majority of a wide range of listeners.

Don’t be alarmed if when sorting through users with the highest engagement rates if you see numbers like “2” or “1”. For users with an extensive following, that rate of engagement is still extremely valuable.

As always, hit us up at if you have any questions, comments, requests, jokes, concerns — we want to hear it all!



Kharly Stauber

Account Manager at SocialRank | Cle — NYC | Good reads and left overs