Power User Tricks: Flag Emoji Bio Search

Kharly Stauber
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2017

We at SocialRank are eager to share new and helpful ways to utilize our software. When sorting through an audience base, there are always additional tips to apply that can result in a more powerful search and comprehensive data.

Locating audience members can be done through our location filter, searching by State or Country, discovered from both platform meta data and self identification.

While Twitter offers a slot to enter location, Instagram has no fixed region to display where the user identifies. Searching for profiles by location may seem difficult — but users have taken to their bio to share this information.

A popular way to share your location on Instagram is through flag Emojis. Using our Bio Keyword Search, you can select the Emoji representing the country your brand is looking to segment:

This method can assist in targeting the appropriate market and discovering where your followers are located. Searching with Emojis are just one additional way SocialRank can organize a following.

As always, hit us up at hi@socialrank.com if you have any questions, comments, requests, jokes, concerns — we want to hear it all!



Kharly Stauber

Account Manager at SocialRank | Cle — NYC | Good reads and left overs