Power User Tricks: Location in Bio

Kharly Stauber
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2017

Here at SocialRank, we are always trying to teach our users how to get the most out of our product. Our Bio Keyword Search is intended to allow granular audience data to be discovered through the personal bios of a following. One of the most popular uses for the filter: Location.

SocialRank has a location filter, using Bio Keywords to assist a search is a sharp user trick to enhance the precision of your hunt.

One of the largest use cases for this filter comes in locating where your audience is posting. Twitter allows for users to add their location on their profiles, while Instagram currently has no place to disclose this information. Because this medium has no designated spot for location, users have turned to their bios to share.

For example, if your company or brand is holding a promotional event in NYC and searching through an audience using Instagram, it may be challenging. With our Bio Keyword Search, users are able to add multiple options of verbiage (i.e. “New York” | NYC | “New York City” | NY) confirming these users are in the area you’re looking for.

This tool will help you pinpoint the exact followers you wish to target, invite, surprise and delight, or simply spread awareness.

For additional information on our Bio Keyboard Search please refer to our past articles: How to Use The New Bio Keyword Filter, Multi-Word Keyword Search, New Bio Keyword Filter.

As always, hit us up at hi@socialrank.com if you have any questions, comments, requests, jokes, concerns — we want to hear it all!



Kharly Stauber

Account Manager at SocialRank | Cle — NYC | Good reads and left overs