SocialRank For Business Leads

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3 min readNov 11, 2015

When building SocialRank we didn’t realize how big of a lead machine it would be for people.

Logging in with your own account at then using the “bio keyword” and “company” filter, you can search for words like “Marketing”, “CMO”, “Digital”, “Social Media” and find tons of people that you had no idea followed you (these keywords making sense if you have a business that sells to brands obviously). Once you find the right people you can easily Direct Message (DM) them. Thus beginning a conversation that can be taken to email, which might lead to a meeting or phone call. Hopefully eventually leading to closing a deal.

The prevailing idea is that because you follow something or someone on Twitter you have some sort of interest in who they are and what they are sharing. So using your personal and professional (i.e. company handle) accounts on SocialRank to find business leads is a no-brainer. Below are ways to best use the bio keyword and company filter to achieve this:

Bio Keyword Filter

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The best way to use the bio keyword filter for lead generation is by searching only by bio (this means unchecking the box of “search names & handles” and “search for similar words”). You need to decide if you want to see any word you put in (i.e. Engineer Programmer Developer) or all words (i.e. “Social Media” “Digital Marketing”). Next step is to put whatever words define the type of person you are looking for. For us it would be everything from CMO, Digital Marketing, Social Media, and more. If you are looking to find people that run the ecommerce division at prospective customers just put the word “commerce”, “ecommerce” into the bio keyword filter and you are well on your way.

Company Filter

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The Company filter grabs LinkedIn data and pulls in your followers that work at certain organizations or have certain titles at those jobs. The Company filter shows you people that currently work at that organization or have previously worked there. In the example above, I’d like to see all of my followers that work or have worked at Disney. Jacob still works there (at least according to his bio) but results like Mike and Andrea show up because they used to work at Disney.

SocialRank Market Intelligence

One last thing to mention is that while finding leads on your own account can be great — Market Intel will let you run any account on Twitter or Instagram to help you find more leads. While you won’t be able to direct message them — it could give you some names that you can find a way into getting introduced to them elsewhere. If you want to see Market Intelligence — go to to try it out and request a demo.

Some other ways people, brands and agencies use SocialRank are:

SocialRank for Recruiting

SocialRank for Politicians

SocialRank for Local Events

SocialRank for Journalists

SocialRank for Business Travel

SocialRank for Connecting with Fans

As always, if you have any product feedback or suggestions — please don’t hesitate to hit us up at — we really do listen!




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.