SocialRank for Business Travel

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2 min readJul 22, 2015

I love using SocialRank when I’m away on a business trip.

In the past, whenever I went to San Francisco or Los Angeles (my two normal stomping grounds), I used to just look through my Linkedin contacts to see if there’s anyone I should contact and grab lunch with.

But I realized that I’m already in touch with most of these Linkedin contacts on Twitter and Instagram. And since people typically post on Twitter and Instagram more often than they do on Linkedin, I can find more up-to-date data on these platforms.

So I started using SocialRank as well. It’s been extremely useful.

Here is a quick walkthrough of how you can use SocialRank for Business Travel:

Using the Location Filter

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The obvious first step is to use the Location filter to find people based where you’re traveling to. This could be a country, city, or even a zip code. You can use this filter simultaneously with other filters to whittle down your search results even more.

Using the Bio Keyword Filter

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The Bio Keyword Filter is by far my favorite. The information that appears in someone’s Twitter bio is information that this person chooses to identify with. This is a strong signal that helps you get more relevant results.

So if you are going to SF looking to sit down with investors/founders, you can apply the Bio Keyword Filter (in tandem with the Location Filter) to find followers who are based in the Bay Area and have “VC” or “Investor” or “Tech” in their bio.

Using the Company Filter

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The Company Filter scrapes Linkedin to search for followers based on their employment history. This is really useful when I want to find followers at a certain company or in a certain role. I could just use the Bio Keyword Filter for this, but some people don’t include employment information in their Twitter bios.

With these three filters (and a few minutes of overpriced Gogo Inflight Internet), your Rolodex might as well stay at home for your next business trip.

If you are using SocialRank in an unexpected fashion, please get in touch with us at! We’d love to chat.




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.