SocialRank for Teams — Laying Down The Foundation For The Future Of SocialRank

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4 min readDec 14, 2015

We’re excited to announce a new product called SocialRank for Teams.

SocialRank for Teams allows brands, agencies, and organizations to use SocialRank and Market Intelligence in a collaborative environment. With SocialRank for Teams you can set up email address logins for all team members, set permissions for individual members, and do this from a dedicated domain (i.e.,, etc.)

Starting today brands, agencies, and organizations can request their own dedicated domain here and begin onboarding team members.

Choosing Your Team Domain

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Once you request your own dedicated domain, we will send you a link to choose your domain. Your best bet is to make the domain something everyone at your org can remember — so if you are a big company like Walmart, you should choose

Going forward when you want to use SocialRank just head to your dedicated domain to log in.

Setting Up Your Team

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Once you’ve setup your domain, it is time to add departments or teams. Think of it as Channels on Slack. If you are someone like Adidas — you might want to have departments like @Adidas, @AdidasBasketball, @AdidasFootball, @AdidasBaseball, etc. On top of that you might want to have Social Media, Marketing, Human Resources, Analytics, Communications, Executive Team, and more.

Email Address Logins

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Once you’ve set up your departments/teams, you can now add team members. Instead of logging in with a Twitter or Instagram account — you can use your email and a password and jump right into your team environment.

Setting Permissions

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The admin of the account can set up permissions for the team. This lets you control who has access to running accounts, DM/Follow, adding Market Intel accounts, creating new departments, adding new users, adding more admins, and more.

Market Intel Out Of Beta + Beta Features

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A big piece of SocialRank for Teams is the ability to use Market Intel (the ability to run any public Twitter or Instagram through the SocialRank platform as your own) with your team. Market Intel has just come out of beta (you can request a demo here) and it keeps getting better. We’ve added new filters like the popular “Compare to another account filter” as well as new beta features that you will all get access to soon (they range from a Word/Hashtag Filter, Gender Filter, and more). You can email us at to have us turn it on for you early.

Where We Go From Here


Over the past ten years brands, agencies, and organizations have spent countless hours and billions of dollars building massive audiences on social media. But when talking with them it is clear they don’t really know much about the people who follow them, and they aren’t doing anything with them besides broadcasting (tweeting, sharing, posting, pinning).

We believe the reason they don’t do more with their audience is they don’t have the tools to track and manage the campaigns they are running. A surprise and delight campaign here, a local event there. All of these are lost in endless spreadsheets on Excel or Google.

This is one of the reasons we built SocialRank. We want to help brands, agencies and organizations better identify, segment, and interact with their audience. Whether you are a presidential candidate looking to find your biggest follower in Iowa to invite to a rally, or a brand looking to invite their 50 most engaged followers on Instagram to a local event — SocialRank is the solution. And as of today, you can execute on these as a team.

But this is just the beginning.

This launch is a pivotal moment for SocialRank. We are putting down the foundation layer for what is to come. We are evolving from a social media analytics product to a collaborative audience management platform and CRM. We have new filters and sorting options coming out soon. After that the next steps are to add CRM capabilities and actionable items inside of SocialRank. This means letting you add notes, create lists, track campaign performance, and have scalable private communication.

As always — if you need to get in touch with us to provide feedback, product requests, or more — email us at — we really love to hear from you all and your feedback makes it into the product in a very real way.




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.