Tech Media Index

Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2015

Tech Media Index

Last week, we debuted the SocialRank Index, which tracks the Twitter activity of the world’s biggest brands. So far, we have released the Global Brands Index (Nike, Pepsi, etc) and the Tech Companies Index (Microsoft, IBM, etc). Our plan is to continue to release new industry-specific indexes over the following weeks and months.


Today, we’re releasing a particularly saucy one: the Tech Media Index. This index includes the likes of TechCrunch, WSJ, the New York Times, Buzzfeed, and every other major outlet that covers tech news. The Tech Media Index was inspired by Techmeme’s Leaderboard, which lists the 100 most frequently posted outlets on Techmeme.


These media outlets play a significant role in shaping the landscape of conversations online. So of course the data this index yields will be very interesting.

In a nutshell, tech media rules Twitter.

A few interesting highlights:

  • An American Bias: The average company in the Tech Media Index has over 60% of its followers in the U.S.
  • Tweet-Happy Followers: It is no surprise that the Tech Media Index is dominant on the engagement side. Tech media bests the Tech Companies and Global Brands Indexes from overall Engagement all the way down to each specific type of engagement (RT, @Replies, and Mentions). Nearly 60% of the average tech media outlet’s followers have tweeted something in the past 90 days. This is higher than the Tech Companies Index (53%) and Global Brands Index (54%).
  • High-Profile Fans: The average company in the Tech Media Index has more than 3x the amount of verified followers (2,869) than the average company in the Global Brands Index (941). Moreover, they are beating the other indexes by far in terms of number of followers who have 1k+ followers. The average tech media outlet has over 45,000 followers with over 1,000 followers (Global Brands: 32,000; Tech Companies: 8,400).

We won’t ruin all the fun for you. Log in, check out the Tech Media Index, and if you’re a blogger feeling especially daring, compare yourself to this Index via the Dashboard.

Next Steps

The SocialRank Index is part of our larger mission to build a more sophisticated analytics tool for marketers and brand managers. Instead of looking at wonky numbers like total followers and total “reach” (whatever that means), we want you to be able to really drill down to a granular level, as well as pull back up and view things at a high level.

If you are interested in what we are building, please reach out to us ( or with any ideas of metrics to track or indexes to build.




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.