Tech Startups Index

Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2015

We recently launched a product we’ve been working on for several months — the SocialRank Index. The Index is a tool that tracks the Twitter activity of the world’s biggest brands. Anyone can log in and, without paying a dime, look at how the average company in a particular industry is performing. So far, we have released three industry-specific indexes: the Global Brands Index, Tech Companies Index, and Tech Media Index.


Today, we’re releasing one a lot of people will be interested to look at: the Tech Startups Index. The types of companies that populate this index? Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, Slack, and more.

This index is based on a list of the world’s most valuable startups, published by Fred Wilson, William Mougayar, and the Wall Street Journal. For simplicity’s sake, we filtered based on three criteria: 1) founded after 2006, 2) founded in the USA, and 3) still privately-owned (hasn’t been acquired or gone public yet).


The companies listed in this index were born into an era where there’s an assumption that building and maintaining a highly engaged online audience is crucial to business.

Time will tell whether a strong social presence is a good predictor of the long-term success of a startup.


We will continue to release more industry-specific indexes to add to the four we now have publicly available. If you are interested in what we are building, please reach out to us ( or me ( with any ideas of metrics to track or indexes to build.




SocialRank is a simple tool that helps brands & individuals find out more information about the people that follow them on social networks, starting w/ Twitter.