Snapchat Snaps Back With New Updates

Matt Augustin
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2016

Just when you thought Instagram was on the verge of doing to Snapchat what it ultimately did to Vine over time, Snapchat comes out of nowhere with some truly dope updates.

Today, Snap Inc. announced that their messaging app Snapchat would be rolling out groups, more editing tools, and Shazam integration.

Snapchat Groups

As we have seen Instagram utilize “new” features such as live video and stories, this is a crucial step for Snapchat (even if users can already do this on Instagram). According to Snap Inc., groups were released just in time for the holidays to help bring people together.

As for how it works…

Source: Mashable

“Groups can be created while sending a Snap, or when you’re making a new Chat. When your friends are present in a Group Chat, we show their name at the bottom of the Chat. Simply tap their name to start a 1:1 Chat, and then easily return to the Group in one swipe! We call this Quick Chat, and it’s the fastest way to keep the conversation going with one friend without spamming the entire Group.” — Snap Inc.

Some of the key feature of this update include:

  • Users can create a group of up to 16 friends to chat with simultaneously
  • The group and chats sent to the group are deleted after 24 hours (even if a user doesn’t open it)
  • A user can choose to communicate directly with someone outside of the group by simply clicking their name when that user is active within the group
  • Snaps within the group can only be replayed once in the same fashion as how Snapchat has always worked
  • All features that are supported in Snapchat are also included in groups

Creative Tools

The first creative tool announced is the scissors tool. This tool allows users to take a portion of their snap that they are looking at within the preview screen and turn it into a sticker. After the image is trimmed to a users’ liking, they will be able to find it within the sticker drawer.

The next creative tool is paintbrush. Paintbrush lets users draw on snaps that are saved to their “Memories” section.


Source: Fandom Comics Community

No, I am not referencing the comic book character, Billy Batson. Although if Snapchat were to start a channel with DC or Marvel to release a series of comics I think it would be wildly successful. If anyone decides to take that idea and run with it a nice call out would be awesome. No takers? Okay, carrying on.

Snap Inc. didn’t stop at their groups and creative tools with this update either. Although they didn’t announce it on their official page, they also rolled out a new feature for iOS users — Shazam.

Earlier today Shazam announced a partnership with Snapchat that will “make discovering and sharing music both fun and easier than ever.” All users have to do is press and hold the camera screen and Snapchat will begin listening to any nearby audio. Users can send the song to their friends (or group) and then see the song they identified within their settings.

Source: The Verge

What This Means for Brands

Okay, so we have some cool tools that mean the kids are going to be even more distracted than ever before. So what? How can a brand leverage this? There is one way that stands out to me almost immediately — influencers.

Now instead of simply having influencers on the platform talk about your brand, there is a real opportunity to engage. Whether it be a fashion designer talking to the top 16 winners about their journey, or an athlete trading tips with a group of 16 eager aspiring athletes — the possibilities for influencers to engage are endless. This opens up the Snapchat world to sweepstakes and contests as well.

The last update I want to talk about in relation to brands is Shazam. By incorporating Shazam’s technologies, brands can start to think of different ways that users can Shazam a commercial and interact with their page. All from within the app.

As the war between Instagram and Snapchat continues we are all sure to be the blessed bystanders of some truly awesome innovation. Hope you’re ready!



Matt Augustin

Just an average guy looking to make a legendary impact. Lover of all things social and content. #TheSocialNerd