Social Snapshot — 12.05.16

Matt Augustin
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2016

Unlike this comic I slept like a baby last night. It’s been a rainy weekend and Monday here in Atlanta and that always puts me in a sleepy mood. It’s supposed to keep raining until about Wednesday. But you know what, it’s not snow! I’ve been in Atlanta about 8 months now and I am thrilled to finally be in a place where snow is rare so I’ll take the rain (not to mention we had a ridiculously long drought). Also, here’s a video of a man fighting a kangaroo to cheer you up and start your week right.


  • Amazon Go: Amazon is now looking to take over a new segment… brick and mortar stores. They have opened up a store in Seattle that allows customers to come into the store, shop, and (wait for it) skip the checkout line entirely. That’s right, you can simply go in and grab what you want then go! You have to watch the video on this concept. Although, I do see some issues popping up with this it is still an amazing idea! Hell, Walmart might as well be doing this with their 20 lanes and three cashiers. (Mashable)
  • Google Trusted Contacts App: Google released an app called “Trusted Contacts” that allows users to share their location with others that they mark as trusted. This will help with users that are traveling alone, walking home at night, etc. by allowing them to share their location. (Social Times)
  • Kohl’s Cash: A mother that was ranting on Snapchat about her experience returning something at Kohl’s has gone viral. Since being uploaded on November 30th it has already hit more than 4.2M views on Facebook. (Facebook)

Social Media/Content

  • Instagram’s Greatest of 2016: Selena Gomez dominated likes and was named Instagram’s most popular person of 2016. And, get this, her top ranked photo is an ad for Coke! The list of top content from 2016 also includes the top ranked days, locations, and more. (Social Times)
  • Track In-Store & Live Event Visits via Facebook: Facebook is now letting marketers track how many in-store and live event visits that occur as a result of people engaging with (or viewing) their Facebook ads. This is a huge win for marketers that primarily sell products and services in-store. Prior, they had to rely on a conversion pixel (which wasn’t really accurate or useful overall). (Social Media Examiner)
  • Nielsen’s Social TV Measurement Methodology: Nielsen released an article that described how they track social TV engagement despite the fact that official program hashtags only made up 47% of tweets related to live primetime TV series. Here’s a quote below (although I highly recommend reading the full article). (Social Times)

Developing a comprehensive classifier set of keywords, phrases, names, hashtags and accounts that people could mention while posting about a particular program is one of the keys to capturing total social TV activity. Audience members will sometimes use “official hashtags” or mention a show’s verified program handle, but they don’t always do so.

In fact, the study found that only 47 percent of tweets sent about primetime series programming during the 2015–16 broadcast TV season mentioned an official program hashtag. Consider it this way: The industry would miss more than one-half of all program conversation on Twitter if measurement was dependent on official program hashtags alone. And measurement doesn’t get much more comprehensive by adding official program Twitter handles. The interactive chart below demonstrates how much activity is measurable by various types of program terms and beyond. — Nielsen

  • Beme to CNN for Roughly $25 Million: Casey Neistat, a famous content creator who created the app Beme, announced that he has sold the app to CNN. This is part of him joining CNN to create content for the news network as part of a new media technology company. (What’s Trending)

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Matt Augustin

Just an average guy looking to make a legendary impact. Lover of all things social and content. #TheSocialNerd