The Hippie Movement

Autumn Paige
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2019

The Vietnam War was a huge turning point for the countries involved, not only in military terms but in social constructs as well, exhibit A; The Hippie Movement.

Far Out Man

The hippie movement was originally a youth movement started in the United States in the mid-1960s, but this, like other such trends went worldwide. This movement was formed around the time of the Vietnam war, as a peace movement and they weren’t involved in politics even though it was a war opposition. But the hippies were activists nonetheless and made history by standing up for what they thought was right.

Live Your Life

They made sure they were alienated from the middle class, making a distinctive lifestyle for themselves, even got referred to as “flower children” and wore bright colors and strayed from anything processed or manufactured. practicing organic medicine and adapting to vegetarian and sometimes vegan diets. Hippies took a part in eastern religions such as Buddhism as well as Judeo- Christianity. They were very alternative and open-minded to things such as sexual orientation and open relationships, never worrying about the little things that wouldn’t necessarily harm them. They started traditions for themselves, making a subculture out of nothing but the motivation to have peace, or according to them, “Make love, not war”. They formed festivals celebrating their differences from the vast majority of society, music, and just having a good time in life. They had events like a retreat called “Gathering of the Tribes”, a three-day music festival referred to as “Woodstock”. Not all mass gatherings for this group were peaceful and just to have fun, but they also protested against war, mostly every ‘anti-war’ movement and protest that took place, they were there doing their part as activists.

The Flowering of the Hippies

Not Seeing Things

Hippies were very in touch with nature and using what it provided whether it was food, medicine, and in some cases, drugs; mostly Hallucinogens. They used things such as weed, mushrooms, and LSD (acid). They justified the usage by saying it was an expansion on their conscious since astrology and the zodiac was a huge part of the hippies’ beliefs and practices, they were trying to reach the astral plane of existence and enlightenment. They had rituals in the wilderness and retreats to reconnect with the wild or the animalistic parts of our nature and our instincts.

Everlasting Impact

These people of the road were a huge factor in building the cornerstone for civil and human rights. Their ways of protest and tactics to sway minds and open eyes to new horizons of how others should be treated have definitely influenced the future with their outlook on modern day tolerance for race, sexuality, and all things that make us different. Hippies were impacting society like media at the time. Almost as big of an impact if they had Instagram or Twitter nowadays, there were multiple times where their gatherings made the news. They impacted fashion and some music during that time. Bright flashy colors, long hair, and bare feet; who could resist the laid back lifestyle?



Autumn Paige

I write poetry…. in between the gaps in my mental chaos and when I’m not sleeping. Helplessly in love with the sky and my S