LANDR Partnership Brings Audio Mastering to Kids of the Kingdom

Justin Cunningham
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2017

Landr partners with SocialWorks to contribute to the kids of Chicago

This summer, SocialWorks partnered with the engineering startup LANDR to provide professional audio mastering courses to 75 kids in Chicago participating in the Kids of the Kingdom program. LANDR is an online software that allows people to master their own audio, and the courses offered to these young people are valued at over $22,000.

We are so thrilled that these kids were able to experience this highly valuable instruction. We hope to see these kids making breakthroughs in the music industry as they get older with independent music productions like our own Chance the Rapper.

In addition to the donation of these audio mastering classes, LANDR promised a portion of its proceeds during June 6–20 to go to help further Kids of the Kingdom initiatives. For every track that new users mastered, LANDR donated $1. Thanks to the generosity of the LANDR partnership, over $10,400 in donations will go to the Kids of the Kingdom summer program. These funds will help support kids to pursue their dreams and share their stories with the world.

In a statement, Chance said, “The pursuit of creating art is a universally honest and necessary expression of our hopes, dreams, and emotions — art is rooted in our innate sense of curiosity, none more so than from the infinite imagination of our youth. However, these journeys of personal expression are never just black and white, and not every voice gets heard. That’s why SocialWorks and LANDR are launching a summer program to provide students in Chicago the necessary tools to tell their stories to the world. Together, we’ll shape the musicians of tomorrow, by supporting the kids today.”

It is because of partnerships like the one with LANDR that SocialWorks is able to succeed. Through donations, offering hands-on experiences and exposing them to a variety of new aspects of the world, we can provide kids with the support that is necessary for them to do well when the cards are often stacked against them. We truly appreciate the necessity of having communities who believe in the youth of today.

If you would like to donate, click here.

