Destination Cooptocracy

Jonathan Bean
Societal Progress Collaborative
2 min readJan 2, 2018

This is a broadcast from the future.

It is here! It is finally here!

A new age has arrived. It is the year of 2019.

Congratulations humanity! We have finally evolved out those dark heartless ages!

This is the age of cooperation amongst all men and nature.

We have become one in body and spirit.

This is the age of ages…

This is the age of Cooptocracy.

The age of Corpratocracy, rule by the mega corporations, has come to an end. In the present age all people freely have chosen to become co-owners of organizations that provide for all their needs. There is no more a culture of domination over others. All people have become rather allies and partners working together for the benefit of all.

People of Earth 🌏 had grown tired of the culture of exploitation of others and nature.

Let’s review what has happened this year of 2018. There was massive unrest and discontentment over the way our societies were functioning. The people decided to act.

Change accelerated, but this was a change for the better. Compassion pours out of people.

The people organized into local cooperatives.

First people saw the need to own collectively their internet providers. Massive collaboration was possible because new technology was created that allowed people organize quickly.

Entire cities were overcome by a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.

Collectively owned and democratically governed social media platforms emerged out of the frustration of the exploitive business models of social media platforms of the past.

After internet providers became cooperatives owned by the users and builders, then grocery stores and mega stores became cooperatives.

People liked having a vote in who was leading their favorite service and product providers.

Some people designated trusted representatives to vote on their behalf. People liked being able to choose anyone to represent their interests in. They could elect people for certain kinds of votes and other people for other kinds of votes.

The new platforms was a catalyst that allowed people to form and manage massive cooperatives.

This platform for massive cooperation goes by the name Cooptocracy.



Jonathan Bean
Societal Progress Collaborative

Regenerative and Solidarity Movement Building and Architect of Sustainy and us.OS, Cooptocracy Platform