SCSM 2019 Conference Keynote Speaker: The Right Rev. Mark MacDonald


The Right Rev. Mark MacDonald became the Anglican Church of Canada’s first National Indigenous Anglican Bishop in 2007, after serving as bishop of the US Episcopal Diocese of Alaska for ten years. Bishop MacDonald holds a BA in religious studies and psychology from the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN, an MA in divinity from Wycliffe College, Toronto, and did post-graduate work at Luther- Northwestern Theological Seminary in Minneapolis.

He has had a long and varied ministry, holding positions in Ontario, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oregon, and the southeast regional mission of the Diocese of Navajoland. Immediately prior to his ordination to the episcopate, Bishop MacDonald was canon missioner for training in the Diocese of Minnesota and vicar of St. Antipas’ Church (Redby, MN) and St. John- in-the-Wilderness Church, Red Lake (Red Lake Nation, MN). He is the board chair for Church Innovations, Inc., and a third order Franciscan.

Among his published works are “Native American Youth Ministries,” co-authored with Carol Hampton and published in Resource Book for Ministries with Youth and Young Adults (Episcopal Church Center, 1995) and “It’s in the Font: Sacramental Connections between Faith and Environment” (Soundings 16.5, 1994). In addition, he co-edited The Chant of Life: Inculturation and the People of the Land (Church Publishing, 2003) and has contributed to several edited collections including Holy Ground: A Gathering of Voices on Caring for Creation (Sierra Club, 2008), Life-Widening Mission: Global Anglican Perspectives (Regnum, 2012), The Gospel after Christendom: New Voices, New Cultures, New Expressions (Baker, 2012), and Green Shoots Out of Dry Ground: Growing a New Future for the Church in Canada (Wipf and Stock, 2013).



Chelle Stearns
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music

Associate Professor of Theology at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology