SCSM Annual Meeting: Online 2021

As you may have expected, the SCSM’s annual meeting will be held entirely online in February 24–27, 2021. We have a great program of papers, posters, lecture recitals, a keynote address, and a graduate student panel. Please watch your email and the SCSM website for more details about the schedule and registration soon.

Mercer University has already extended their invitation to host the annual meeting in 2022 since it’s not possible this year. Thanks go to SCSM member, Nathan Myrick!

2021 Annual Meeting Fees: Pay the amount that is fitting for you this year: $25/$50/$75. All funds collected beyond what it costs SCSM to present the conference will go to the Graduate Student Travel Fund to support future SCSM annual meeting attendance by graduate students.



Chelle Stearns
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music

Associate Professor of Theology at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology