5 Reasons Why Corporate Governance Audits are Valuable to Organisational Success

In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, corporate governance actively contributes to ensuring the success and sustainability of an organisation. Effective corporate governance practices and structures help in maintaining transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour. These Are essential for building trust with stakeholders. Consequently, an organisation can assess and strengthen the use of good corporate governance by executing a corporate governance audit. Let’s explore the significance of corporate governance audits, their benefits, and key areas every organisation must examine for an effective corporate governance audit.

What is a Corporate Governance Audit?

A corporate governance audit is a comprehensive review and evaluation of an organisation’s governance framework, processes, and practices. The main purpose of this audit is to assess the extent to which an organisation adheres to its established governance principles, guidelines, and regulations. It involves a systematic examination of various elements, including the composition and effectiveness of the board of directors, risk management strategies, ethical practices, internal control mechanisms, and financial reporting processes. You must know that a corporate governance audit is neither a tax audit nor a corporate audit.

With evolving regulations, corporate audits must be performed per The Nigerian Code of Corporate Governance Principle 2018 Internal audit functions. The NCCG mandates the Board to supervise and endorse the development of an Internal Audit framework, which ensures the efficiency of the governance, risk management, and internal control systems. To fulfil this requirement, the Internal Audit Function should be treated as a strategic business unit within the company rather than just a supportive function, as is usually the norm. The Unit should be led by a capable, knowledgeable, and senior management staff member who will directly report to the Audit Committee while maintaining a direct communication channel with the MD/CEO. For non-Nigerians, ensure that your audit complies with your regional corporate governance laws.

The relationship between auditing and corporate governance is important in maintaining transparency, accountability, and investor confidence in modern corporations. Auditing plays a vital role in corporate governance by acting as a safeguard against corporate fraud and ensuring the protection of investors’ interests. Auditors are often referred to as “gatekeepers’’ because they contribute to the transparency and accountability of the business sector. They act as intermediaries between corporations and investors, providing an unbiased and objective assessment of corporate financial statements. Therefore, by conducting audits, auditors serve as the eyes and ears of shareholders and potential investors. Their independent and objective evaluations help create trust in the market and provide a genuine and fair representation of a company’s financial position. Invariably, auditing procedures are essential for addressing corporate governance concerns at the corporate level and maintaining public confidence in financial disclosures.

Critical Audit Areas for Effective Corporate Governance

During a corporate governance auditing process, several key areas are examined to assess the overall effectiveness of an organisation’s governance practices. These areas include:

  • Board Composition: One vital aspect of corporate governance is evaluating the composition, independence, expertise, and diversity of the board of directors. The board plays a vital role in overseeing the organisation’s operations and making strategic decisions. By assessing the composition of the board, including the skills, qualifications, and experiences of its members, corporate governance ensures that the board possesses the necessary expertise to effectively fulfil its responsibilities. Independence is also essential to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure unbiased decision-making. Additionally, diversity on the board brings different perspectives, experiences, and insights, leading to more robust and well-informed decision-making processes.
  • Risk Management: As part of their role in corporate governance, auditors assess the organisation’s risk management framework to identify potential risks and evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation strategies. They examine the processes and systems in place to identify, assess, and manage risks throughout the organisation. This includes evaluating the adequacy of internal controls, risk assessment methodologies, and risk mitigation measures.
  • Ethical Practices: When it comes to auditing and corporate governance, it is vital to examine the ethical standards and code of conduct upheld by an organisation, with a particular emphasis on integrity, fairness, and responsible business practices. This includes assessing whether the organisation adheres to established principles and values, such as honesty, transparency, and accountability. By upholding these ethical standards, organisations can cultivate trust among stakeholders and ensure that their actions align with societal expectations, ultimately contributing to a sustainable and reputable business environment.
  • Financial Reporting: Auditing involves carefully reviewing the financial reporting processes and procedures of a company to ensure their accuracy, transparency, and compliance with accounting standards and regulations. This entails examining the company’s financial records, statements, and transactions in detail. Auditors assess the effectiveness of internal controls, identify any errors or irregularities, and verify the consistency of financial information. By conducting these comprehensive evaluations, auditors play a vital role in upholding the integrity of financial reporting and instilling trust in stakeholders, shareholders, and the wider public.

Reasons Why Corporate Governance Audits are Valuable to Organisational Success:

  1. Improved transparency: Regular corporate governance audits promote transparency within an organisation by assessing governance practices and making information readily available to stakeholders. Additionally, transparent governance processes build trust and confidence among shareholders, investors, and the public.
  2. Accountability: Corporate governance audits help ensure accountability by evaluating the board’s performance, internal controls, and decision-making processes. Holding individuals responsible for their actions minimises fraud, misconduct, and mismanagement within organisations.
  3. Investor confidence: Audited governance practices contribute to building investor confidence, especially in an era where trust and ethical considerations drive investment decisions. Investors are assured that their interests are protected, attracting more investment opportunities and fostering business growth.

4. ESG Impact: Conducting corporate governance audits positively impacts an organisation’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. Audits evaluate environmental performance, promote social responsibility, enhance stakeholder engagement, manage ESG-related risks, and improve reputation and brand value. Integrating ESG considerations into audits enables organisations to ensure compliance, drive positive change, enhance sustainability practices, and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

5. Minimising legal and regulatory risks: Corporate governance audits assist organisations in identifying and rectifying any legal and regulatory gaps or non-compliance issues. Through regular audits, organisations can take a proactive stance in mitigating potential legal and regulatory risks, ensuring adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of legal disputes, penalties, and damage to reputation, thereby safeguarding the long-term success of the organisation.

So, has your organisation undertaken a corporate governance audit lately?

Chioma Mordi


About The Society for Corporate Governance Nigeria

SCGN is a registered not-for-profit organisation committed to the development of corporate governance best practices in Nigeria. Today, the Society is the foremost institution committed to the development and promotion of corporate governance best practices in Nigeria.

