Society 4.0 (also known as 社会 4.0 in Simplified Chinese, समाज 4.0 in Hindi, جمعية 4.0 in Arabic, Société 4.0 in French, Sociedad 4.0 in Spanish, Gesellschaft 4.0 in German, Maatschappij 4.0 in Dutch), is a term and concept that describes the societal evolution taking place in the early 21st Century. This publication tracks the emergence of Society 4.0 by mapping the individuals, organisations and initiatives collectively working towards the emergence of Society 4.0. View the map: Read the book:

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Society 4.0

Society 4.0 is the emerging meta-society being nurtured into existence by a global network of self-directed thinkers, architects, builders, doers & supporters. We are all united by a vision of thriving, equitable, and sustainable communities within an ecologically healthy world.

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