Future of Bike/Riding Roads

Hajorthy Nik
Society for Ideas
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2019

It is to say that BMW is currently trying to create a thing called Hyperloop. Hyperloop is supposed to be a way for bikers, walkers, skaters, or anything like that to roam around to shops and restaurants without cars to be in the way. It is supposed to run above the traffic so that they won’t have to deal with gas emissions or worry about walking across the road. Because now you will be able to just ride on a superhighway that will just be bikers and things like that. Which is really cool because now people won’t have to worry about cars. Instead, they will have to watch out for people with bikes, or scooters. Which will have its own problems but I think if people are smart and if they design this hyperloop correctly, I think they will easily minimize the accidents that could possibly happen. They are also saying that they will put solar panels and lights on top of the tube so that at night you will be able to see and the solar panels will be able to create energy for these lights.

Now I think this is a great idea but the only concern is accidents that could possibly happen with bikes or scooters. So I think in order to minimize that we could try and create a tube that is only a one way but to several destinations so that when you need to stop you can just pull over and then head to where you need to go. and then if you need to head back home then you can hop on to another tube that would go back the same way you wanted. I don’t know if the cost will be too much, but I believe that it will be a lot safer than having cross traffic that would end up colliding because someone didn’t have brakes or something.

If there is anything I missed here is a link to more information about the hyperloop:


