Digital Detox Mission for Youth

Dessy Aliandrina
SociopreneurID Publishing
4 min readSep 21, 2020
Student’s activity

After I watched ‘Social Dilemma’ documentary, I remember how I built awareness of students about their behavior towards digital technology. I wanted them to do self-reflection through experiential learning activities.

So, I challenged my students to stay away from their digital technology for a day: start from 6 a.m. and complete the mission at 8 p.m.

The rejection came from almost all of the students in the class. They could not get away from their gadget. Impossible!

Still, I asked them to do the mission as a part of their mid-term assignment. So, the students had no choice. Do or fail the mid-term.

A week after the mission, I requested them to share their experiences with the class. 3–4 students had to mingle together during the task with no gadget. They couldn’t stay at home without any activities. The day should run as usual but without digital technology. Not only their laptop/PC and smartphone, but they also could not use TV and radio. Even I also asked them to use public transport instead of their vehicles.

So, what did they share about it?

Lesson 1: Verbal Communication

A student shared that he felt very dull initially, as he gets used to having something to check in his gadget. Time flew so slow, and he tried to have a conversation with the other two friends. But, after sometimes, they had nothing to talk about and another silent. Another awkward moment.

There was a group shared that they never had a perfect conversation by knowing more each other life. Even though they had been friends for about three years, they never knew each other family, hobbies, or future dreams.

The students found they could not communicate verbally to build a conversation. Though they wanted to talk more, they did not know how to start a talk and to respond to the other’s talk.

Lesson 2: Situational Awareness

The other group said that they spent a day in Central of Jakarta, observed activities in the National Monument (Monas) and its surroundings. One said that he learned how a stall was bustling preparing dishes during lunchtime. He observed many people who came together but kept looking at their phones while waiting for the food. No conversation, no connection. Everyone was busy with their phone.

Another group of students did the observation of how people mobilized from the train station to the CBD. They shared how they felt like looking for a reflection of themselves, busy with their gadget.

The students found they are busy with their gadget and be in their ‘own world’ without notice what is happening in surrounding.

Lesson 3: Time and Scheduling

Another story came from a student who used his phone to wake him up, so he was very stressed if he could not wake up in the morning. Then he asked help for his neighbor to wake him up as he stayed alone.

A group said they had issues with scheduling their tasks as everything listed in their gadgets with reminders. Even one of the group’s members had to explain to his parents what happened because he forgot to make a call to his parents, so their parents who couldn’t contact him tried to reach him by calling his friends and lecturers.

The students admitted they are too relying on their gadgets to remind them about time and activities. With various apps installed, they found easier for them to get a reminder. One for all, all for one.

Reflection of the Class

So many stories came from this assignment. The students said the mission opened their eyes that they spent too much time networking, gaming, and watching through their gadgets.

At the end of the class, I asked the students to give a sentence about their experiences. All students said they never thought that there are so many things surrounding that they never realize. They were too attached to their phone. Most of them stated they need to take time breaks from digital life. One student said he realized that he abused himself and felt losing so many things in life.

Social Dilemma Documentary

Here, I found the documentary has shown the dangerous human impact of social networking brought by experts who created the platform such as Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, et cetera.

I believe no one has the intention to create negative impacts of their innovation — here are social media. However, it would be wise to not only show the bright side of technology, but we need to educate the users about the dark side.

So, that’s why I am happy this film has been released to give knowledge on another side of technology, which we might deny or overlook.

I am not anti to technology as I use it a lot, but knowing both perspectives will lets us control technology’s use and not vise versa.

Thus, take a break and watch ‘Social Dilemma’, get another perspective and do a self-reflection on your behavior towards technology. I am hoping it will bring back our true identity as a human being without losing the sense of self in the midst of technology.

