Insights: The numbers behind the success of $TRA’s flash sale.

Alex Dreyfus
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2020

Last Tuesday we had our Trabzonspor FTO, which sold out within just 4 minutes. I took a look at our audience to better understand who purchased the tokens in this FTO and from where.

The number of $TRA users was slightly lower than those in previous FTOs, which is to be expected, as the sales cap was at 200 $TRA (compared to $APL and $TH which had a cap at 50, while $CAI had a cap at 100 tokens). In fact, the average FTs purchase per user was 200% higher when compared to the $APL and $TH FTOs, and 67% higher than the $CAI FTO.

Tokens sold per GEO

The majority of tokens were sold in Turkey, where 60% of our tokens went. This is in line with the numbers seen in our last FTO, where 45–50% of tokens went to Turkey per partner. The increase is to be expected due to Trabzonspor being a Turkish club. A further interesting point are Polish users, who have consistently purchased 7–8% of tokens for the past FTOs of APL, TH, CAI and TRA. Japan and France continue to be within that top 4 GEO area for us. The other GEOs in the top 10 were Colombia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Russia, and Spain.

When did users register?

The large majority of users that purchased in this FTO have been registered for at least 3 months, with 60% of users falling under this category. This is significantly higher to the split in the last FTO, when 44% of users fell under this category. The % of ‘7 days or less’ users was at 15% last FTO, fairly similar to this FTO. A recent FTO with the highest % of ‘7 days or less’ users was the BAR FTO, with 30% of users aged less than 7 days purchasing FTs.

How many Fan Tokens were Purchased?

Typically, as one would expect, users that have been on the app for more than 30 days purchase double the number of fan tokens of those that are still new users. The chart below shows the distribution of FT purchases, showing the average and the median. I have taken the median here to avoid the figure being influenced by the more ‘extreme’ users.

An interesting point worth mentioning is the gap between users who have been registered less than one month and those more than one month. Users aged between 1 month and 3 months have purchased almost double the FTs that those who have been registered less than a month.

Did they take part in other FTOs?

Above is a breakdown of users and the number of FTOs they have taken part in. This was the first FTO for 25% of users. For almost 34% of users, this was at least their fifth FTO. For those who have taken part in previous FTOs, which FTOs did they take part in?

Users that took part in the last two FTOs clearly remained engaged, with 60% of $TRA purchasers having taken part in the $TH FTO.

In summary:

  • 60% of users purchasing in this FTO have registered at least 3 months ago, with just under 15% of users having joined in the week leading up to the FTO (similar trend to previous FTO)
  • The number of FTs purchased varies notably between users aged less than a month and those registered for more than a month, with almost a doubling in Median FTs purchased
  • For 25% of users this was their first FTO, while for almost 35% of users this was at least their fifth FTO
  • The majority of users who purchased in this FTO have purchased in at least one of the last two FTOs

