SoCo Bounty Campaign News and Other Updates

SoCo SNP News
Published in
6 min readAug 10, 2018

AUG. 10, SINGAPORE. — SoCo SNP successfully completed the first half of its Bounty campaign, reaching almost 25,000 members in the SoCo Telegram groupchat and acquiring over 4,000 new followers on Twitter within this last week.

The SoCo SNP Telegram group ( reached 20,000 members on Aug. 8. SoCo enthusiasts from all over the world joined the chat in a span of ten days.

The groupchat reached its milestone of 20,000 members on Aug. 8, and the Telegram chat bustled with questions and words of encouragement during all hours of the day. Support came from various corners of the world, with eager people from Vietnam, Turkey, Italy, Russia, and other regions in Europe, Asia, and Africa spilling in to participate and express their enthusiasm for the project.

Due to the increasing global awareness the project has garnered, SoCo began four new Telegram groups for SoCo SNP members in Vietnam, Turkey, Italy, and France. Each is managed by a promising and active member who is a native speaker of the region, and more importantly, who has shown a continuous zeal for the SoCo project. SoCo SNP continues to look to expand the project in other locations, and is thus searching for more active volunteers to manage regional Telegram communities.

The Telegram chat conducted various points incentive activities, such as daily Twitter campaigns and a SoCo SNP article competition, where members in the groupchat submitted write-ups on their takeaways from the SoCo project as well as how they felt the project could be applied to real life.

Here is a submission from a SoCo member in Turkey, @ismailkaya2626 (Twitter)/ @Tatar2626 (Telegram). Please note, this has been edited so that the English reads fluently:

“Why are SoCo and SNP so interesting? Why it is so popular? The answer to these questions is, SoCo is a project that will make life simple. On social media platforms, a lot of people are doing various forwarding and sharing a lot of data traffic. All of us post videos, articles, and images, sharing our creations of various quality content, but we do not get any profit for them. SoCo, however, is here to use decentralized blockchain technology to reward our quality content. With this new system, it will be possible to create a more productive and intelligent generation whose ideas are valued. SoCo SNP is a project that will lead the world in a revitalizing transformation.

Today, platforms take your shares and content and use them at no cost, but this cycle will change with the SoCO & SNP project. You should be sure that you will not miss your support for this project and your team.

Here are some real-life examples of how I imagine SoCo SNP could be used. Various SoCo SNP blogs could be set up to spread the project. These blogs could be developed by selecting daily subjects from life and asking users to submit their article ideas. Personally, I am currently writing poetry in Turkish, and it would be great to share it and then be rewarded for uploading my content.

Additionally, I am interested in photography. It would be very motivating to be compensated with SoCo for capturing a nice pose that I have found during the day, because it is proving to me that my labor is not wasted just to win people’s likes, and I would be paid for my content, and thus not concerned if anyone were against my ideas. I think that this will be a very important project for eliminating social pollution.

SoCo and SNP will be a great step in terms of the protection of our social assets, not just for social platforms, but also for the social users will be provided with the value they deserve.”

The SoCo Community also received a large collection of SoCo photo edits, GIFs, videos, and stickers. Pictured here are some of our favorite photo edits:

Photo edit by @crypto_office (Telegram).
Photo edit by @crypto_office (Telegram).
Photo edit by @Katrin_Shvets (Telegram).
Photo edit by @Lauroneto (Telegram).

Yesterday, SoCo SNP also came out with its first PR release, published by PRNewswire on Yahoo Finance. To read it, click here:

In other news, the SoCo SNP team also finished a three-day publicity event in Singapore last week, where project members met up with the local crypto community and academia. The event featured two lectures from SoCo SNP Advisor Professor Changjian Jiang, who is also a popular Chinese TV show host for the show, “最强大脑“, or “Super Brain”.

SoCo SNP Founder Mingliang Jiang and Advisor Professor Changjian Jiang visit Huobi Global’s headquarters. Huobi Group is a leading global digital asset trading platform.
The SoCo SNP Team visits Bittemple, a Singaporean blockchain incubator. The event was a marketing meetup with local token investors, blockchain media, and Singaporean partners.

Jiang’s speeches focused on the “new generation of media and social trends” and illustrated how blockchain technology presents a promising future for the way media is currently viewed. The media is now saturated with user-generated content, Jiang said, which makes blockchain necessary for users to be properly compensated for their content.

The first lecture was held at the National University of Singapore, while the second lecture was hosted by Nanyang Technological University at the Nanyang Technopreneurship Center. The following are photos from the events.

SoCo SNP Advisor Professor Changjian Jiang gives a lecture on new media trends and its promising future relationship with blockchain technology. The event was hosted by Nanyang Technological University and SoCo SNP. Jiang spoke to a packed room at the Nanyang Technopreneurship Center.
Professor Changjian Jiang speaks to the crowd at The Hangar by NUS (the National University of Singapore) Enterprises. Jiang focused on the transformation from old media today’s user-saturated media, and finished by featuring a dialogue with SoCo SNP Founder Mingliang Jiang.


*Video Explanation:






  • Telegram (ENGLISH):
  • Telegram (VIETNAMESE):
  • Telegram (FRENCH):
  • Telegram (ITALIAN):
  • Telegram (TURKISH):


“SoCo and SNP is a blockchain-based project aimed at decentralizing the social networking ecosystem. SoCo, the official token currency, is what users will use to evaluate and monetize their social assets. Social assets are the valuable online data a user possesses, which include personal profile attributes (name, hobbies, status), social relationships (friends, followers), and social behaviors (likes, posts, sharing). Users and apps alike are able to use SoCo to conduct transactions, allowing apps to incentivize users to invite friends and engage in the app’s activities while rewarding users for their social assets. This promotes a healthier, more trusting relationship between apps and users. SNP is an open and extensible layer protocol that allows apps to have social capabilities, as well as provides users with a secure wallet of social assets, accessible by the user’s private key only. Ultimately, SoCo SNP plans on returning the ownership of social assets back to users and deconstructing today’ social networking structure in order to provide the world a more transparent, interconnected and innovative online experience.”



SoCo SNP News

Using blockchain technology to build a decentralized social networking ecosystem so you can #TokenizeYourSocialAssets.