What is Evil?

A poem about how we may perceive “evil”

Socrates Cafe on Medium
Socrates Café
2 min readAug 21, 2020


Photo by Christopher Ott on Unsplash

Written by Dylan Sickich


Slips out tongues and creeps in our thoughts.

We watch it happen when we ought

To stop it, says who?

What is Evil, anyhow?

In a world of violence

Where we often partake

In sneaking through the deepest shadows

How am I to know who’s

Evil and who’s not?

My vision’s tainted black

From desensitizing children

Then sending them to Iraq

To take the lives of others

Who, clinging to their mothers,

Should give us what they have.

But we’re delivered from no evil,

For we’ve committed none.

I’m fighting for our freedom

By releasing iron from my gun.

Why should we speak to them?

They’ve done us so much wrong.

Remember when they slayed our people

While our boots destroyed their homes?

So I’ll ask again,

What’s Evil?

Does it sink into our mind?

If I take revenge upon my enemy

Am I a villain committing crime?

If I’m justified within myself,

No Evil can be done.

I’ll do just as I please,

Hedonistic pleasure is only fun.

My portrait may turn gray

And my reflection may make change

But if I may, I’ll take the pain,

One day I’ll repent and pave my way.

Through tragedy and death

We can see Evil taking form.

But maybe these things are just the way

We all can see the world.

We think and rationalize

The Evil acts we face

We’ve tried for peace, with no avail,

We all held hands as our people fell

But possibly the things we see

Are just the human race.

