Due to the current high Ethereum gas price, contract deployment will be delayed.

Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2020

Dear Community Members,

Unfortunately due to the unsustainable gas price on Ethereum, we need to delay the initial yield farming event again. We sincerely apologize for this additional delay.

We planned to deploy the contracts to mainnet as soon as possible, however the Ethereum gas price has reached an unprecedented price of 500 GWei (about ~5x higher than previous averages).

To deploy all of our code, it would easily cost us as much as 80 ETH and honestly, it’s far beyond our budget. As a community-driven project, limiting the operating cost of the project is key to its long term success.

At this point, we cannot predict when the gas price will drop down to a manageable level. Will however continue to watch it closely and complete the deployment as soon as it’s at a reasonable level (for example, 140 GWei). Once deployed to the mainnet, yield farming will begin 12 hours later.

This delay also gives the community more time to review our code and anyone who can find a major bug within it is welcome to claim the bug bounty bonus (read our original announcement for more details).

Wishing the community all the best,
The Soda Team

