Maslow’s Hierarchy of Startups

How companies cater to our inner motivations

Soda Hall
Published in
6 min readSep 25, 2014


Why do people do the things they do?

In 1943 psychologist Abraham Maslow attempted to answer this question in his paper “A Theory of Human Motivation”. This paper was the basis for what we now know as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Maslow refined this theory until his death in 1970 and his final version breaks human needs into eight categories. There are four basic needs:
(1) biological and physiological needs,
(2) safety needs,
(3) social needs, and
(4) esteem needs.

Once these basic needs are met, there are four higher-order needs:
(5) cognitive needs,
(6) aesthetic needs,
(7) self-actualization, and
(8) transcendence.

According to Maslow, we’re only capable of focusing on the the next need in the hierarchy if our previous needs have been met.

You don’t have to be psychology expert to recognize his theory in action. Think…

