RecyclerView Pro Tips: Add a Drawable Divider in XML

TC Wang
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

The RecyclerView supports addItemDecoration method since 22.1.0 and many people use this method to programmatically add a line divider. As a visual person, I prefer WYSIWYG and propose an approach.

Here are the requirements for using WYSIWYG:

  1. Assign the list item layout for previewing in the AndroidStudio.
    It is simple, just use the attribute tools:listitem. If you’re not familiar with the attribute, check out the document here.
  2. Assign the divider drawable in XML.
  3. Set the divider mode such as beginning, middle, and end in XML.
divider mode, from left to right are beginning, middle, and end.

Ideally, we want the following XML:

tools:listitem="@layout/recycler_view_item" />

The support library RecyclerView certainly doesn’t support our custom style attributes. To solve this we can add a custom RecyclerView which derives from the RecyclerView and supports the custom style, e.g. StyledRecyclerView.


tools:listitem="@layout/recycler_view_item" />

File attrs.xml

The custom RecyclerView comes with the style attributes:

<!-- In file: res/attrs.xml -->
<declare-styleable name="StyledRecyclerView">
<attr name="rvDividerDrawable" format="reference" />
<attr name="rvDividerMode">
<flag name="none" value="0" />
<flag name="beginning" value="1" />
<flag name="middle" value="2" />
<flag name="end" value="4" />

StyledRecyclerView snippet

There are three lines that are particularly important. Without them, the preview will not work.

if (isInEditMode) {
layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context, orientation, false)

How does it work?

The boolean isInEditMode is true when the view is currently used by AndroidStudio for previewing. To show the list items in a RecyclerView, a RecyclerView.Adapter and a RecyclerView.LayoutManager are necessary where the adapter provides the data and layout manager takes care of the item sizing and positioning. The preview adapter (the data provider) is magically created by AndroidStudio through the attribute tools:listitem. Therefore, we only need to create a LinearLayoutManager to successfully layout the list items.

Dive into RecyclerView

Actually, the support library RecyclerView (version 27.1.1) sneakily creates a LayoutManager for previewing!

It creates a LayoutManager through reflection


Thanks for Kevin Marlow’s feedback and we open source the project, please check out the Github repository here.



TC Wang

I’m an engineer who loves solving problems and science. You could find me on my LinkedIn page,