SoDA & IT Ukraine Association: The New Horizons of cooperation — Press Information

SoDA - Software Development Association Poland
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2022

The IT Ukraine Association and SoDA have formalized their partnership by signing the Memorandum of Understanding .

SoDA & IT Ukraine Association Memorandum

Making a strong reference to the close ties between Ukraine and Poland emphasized in times of war, IT Ukraine and Software Development Association have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to encourage continuous bilateral cooperation. The parties have been productively cooperating since the beginning of the war, from joint participation in the first aid kits fundraiser and supply to the establishment of an effective communication channel, and now are looking to deepen these relations.

The memorandum aims to step up mutually beneficial interaction between the IT associations as well as between the IT communities of Ukraine and Poland. These objectives will be attained through the exchange of knowledge, expertise and best practices put in place by the two communities.

“I am pleased to announce the deepening of our interconnection with the longstanding and supportive Tech community in Poland. This memorandum will only strengthen collaboration between the associations, providing new opportunities to our members”, — underlined Konstantin Vasyuk, Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association.

„Since the first days of the war in Ukraine, SoDA took many initiatives to help refugees coming to Poland and people fighting on the war front. The partnership with the IT Ukraine Association is the next step necessary to support our eastern neighbors but, for the most — develop the IT industry in Europe.”- says Bartosz Majewski, President of Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

We are convinced the cooperation will enhance the prospects of growth and efficiency, as well as the underlying conditions, which, in turn, will lead us to new heights in mutual development.



SoDA - Software Development Association Poland
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