An Analysis of the Different Android OS Versions

An Analysis of the Different Android OS Versions

Naveen Saraswat
Sodio Technologies
5 min readJul 3, 2017


Android is known to be the most fragmented operating system. It all began in September 2008, when the first ever Android OS version i.e. Android 1.0 was released. Within a period of 5 months, it was upgraded, and Android v1.1 was released. The first major version of Android was the Android Cupcake (1.5) which was released in April 2009. Ever since we have seen a version upgrade for Android each year. Each version has definitely brought out defining changes in Android. For example, the current release of Android i.e. Android N has even charged ahead of iOS with its exemplary features and incredible operating system.

Let’s start with the very first version Android OS Vesion.

Android 1.0

This version introduced the pull-down notification windows for the Android smartphones. The notification system was the edge that Android received against iOS. It could pull in notifications from the different apps the user had downloaded. The operating system allowed widgets on the home screen, which was another differentiator for the start. This version also offered Gmail integration, while keeping up with the unique archival and other features. This was the first ever time Gmail was integrated in the best possible manner to a mobile operating system.

Android 1.1

The version 1.1 was not really exemplary. In fact, it played the role of a bug fixer. The bugs that were found in version 1.0 were patched in 1.1, which was a big deal at that time. Android was the first ever platform that introduced the idea of fixing bugs and introducing a version upgrade for the same.

Android Cupcake (V1.5)

Cupcake was the Android OS version with which the makers introduced the sweet naming convention for the operating system. It came out with some amazing features. It definitely refined the original interface that was introduced with the first version of Android. The Google search widget was introduced with this version. The neatness in the operating system was subtle, so not many users actually noticed the change. This was the version that received the on-screen keyboard and some clipboard improvements. Video capture and playback as features were introduced with this version of Android.

Android Donut (v1.6)

Android Donut was introduced with a lot of under-the-hood changes. One of the major changes that was visible was the resolution independence, which made the life of the app designer easy. This allowed them to design for the different phones and carriers without considering the resolution. The universal search or the quick search box was another arrival with the version 1.6. Redesigned play store mentioning the top apps, and a redefined camera were also subtle features marked with this version.

Android Éclair ( v2.0)

This was specifically designed for the big phones with big screens. This was the first Android OS version that offered multi-account support for Gmail. Google Maps navigation was released with this version, and it redefined searching for a location and the map culture totally. The web browser was also redefined with this version. A new lock screen was introduced with this version along with the text to speech feature, which Android had been working upon. This was the update that shifted the focus of Android operating system in a defining way.

Android Froyo (v2.2)

The three-panel view was changed to a five-panel view in this operating system version. You had a group of dedicated shortcuts at the bottom of the screen. The gallery app was redefined in this version. Pin-enabled lock screen was introduced with this version, and it supported hotspot.

Android Gingerbread (v2.3)

A minor release attempting minor changes in the Android OS, the Gingerbread version brought in subtle changes to the UI. A hint of green was introduced to the home screen. The interface was a lot cleaner. Finger friendly designs were introduced with the zoom feature. App management tools received an upgrade and the battery support for the phone was a major upgrade in this version. You could now see which apps actually drain your battery. This version also lent support to front facing cameras, bringing in the selfie era.

Android Honeycomb (v3.x)

This OS version was a slight diversion. From the smartphone planned operating systems, this one was made for the Moto phones specifically. It redesigned the home screen and the widgets and even brought a hint of blue to the screens. It was not very appreciated by the customers of Android.

Of course, this was the first OS version that introduced multi-tasking and brought in the touch screen feature, which was a great comeback.

Android Icecream Sandwich (v4.0)

Pinch-to-zoom feature, better copy-paste feature, improved camera functionality, and the new Android Beam feature that allows for NFC were introduced in this version. The 1080p video recording was offered with this version. Subtle changes were introduced the home-screen. Face unlock feature was introduced with this version.

Android Jellybean (v4.1)

This OS version knocked in with lock screen improvements. It came with a major user experience improvement. Google Now was the first big innovation that Android introduced. Your schedule, location, time of the day etc. are all given out as part of the Google Now results. You get actionable notifications alerts along with widget flexibility. Jellybean received two major upgrades, v4.2 and v4.3.

Android KitKat (v4.4)

The first bold change was the removal of the blue elements and introduction of white. Wireless printing capability, restricting apps to use external storage, optimized performance were some of the changes introduced with this OS. In fact, the operating system came across as less resource intensive. Better emojis and a great look to the Hangouts app were part of the enhancements.

Android Lollipop (v5.0)

A new design language was introduced with this version of Android. This introduced different hierarchy for transitions and animations. Colourful interfaces were introduced with this version. This version redefined multitasking as well. The notifications were redefined in this version.

Android Marshmallow (v6.0)

This was the version that introduced the doze mode. You could shift your mobile to the “do not disturb” mode with this version. 4k display modes were also introduced in this version. MIDI support, full data backup, and post-install permission requests were all part of this upgrade. The multi-window feature was experimented in this OS upgrade.

Android Nougat (v7.0)

Last year, around April, the Android Nougat was introduced. It offered data saver mode, multi-window support, and the picture-in-picture support. You now had notification sheets with this version. The JIT compiler proved to be a boon for the developers. The overview screen received an upgrade.

Android is definitely palming an edge over iOS with its discreet yet incredible features. Some of the subtle changes have proved Android to be one of the best-operating platforms.

Sodio offers excellent Android development services aimed to improve user experience with the app solutions. Get in touch with us for excellent and engaging Android solutions.

