MVP in 30 days

MVP in 30 days

Naveen Saraswat
Sodio Technologies
4 min readJul 19, 2017


Moving from an idea to an actual mobile minimum viable product is a journey. It all starts with an idea. When you have an idea in place, it is important to get started with a MVP. Before walking you through our process for developing an MVP in 30 days, let us give you a brief on Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

MVP is a basic product with minimum features that have been defined to satisfy your first set of customers. It is mostly used to test your idea, and based on the results you can enhance your development, and build a full-scale product for your idea.

As a business, it is important for you to complete MVP in 30 days. For a regular idea, with minimal complexities, the time taken should be no more than 30 days. It will take longer only if the idea is too complex, completely new, and has some irregularities within it.

The MVP design and development depends entirely on what your idea aims to achieve. Does the idea resolve a complex issue or does it plan to overhaul the existing system? A thorough understanding of the idea will help us give you the apt MVP.

We have a defined process, which helps us give out the MVP in 30 days flat.

A thorough understanding of your idea

We begin by exploring your idea to understand its depth. The MVP will be completely dependent on the idea, which is why we need to understand what is your exact idea, and the amount of research you have put into it. Does anyone have an app similar to the one you are planning? Are you solving an entirely new problem or, you are closing a few gaps that exist in the industry? How complex is your idea? What kind of research materials do you have of your idea? How refined the idea is? Once you have answered all these questions, we would have a better understanding of your idea and would help us move ahead.

What is your goal?

At this stage, it would be good if you could define the goal for your app. What is it that you wish to achieve from the MVP we would be developing for you? Do you want to gain feedback to build your actual app or, you want to reach out to your early customers to build your user base? Do you want to offer a solution to the enterprises, and then based on the feedback make additions to the product? The goals will help us define the MVP accordingly, and will help us know just what to add to it.

A perfect competition analysis

Once you have defined your goals, we would begin with a complete competition analysis. We make a list of all your possible competitors including the direct and indirect ones. We then start with understanding what they are doing in this segment, how they achieved their customer base, and what kind of customer needs do they fulfil with the app they have developed? This will help us understand the gaps that exist in the industry, and how the app idea that you have can be converted into a viable solution. It will also help us build market and target audience insights, which will help us unleash the right experience and product for them.

Create prototypes

Insights, goals and thorough idea understanding are then converted into mock-ups for the MVP. We create interactive prototypes including the basic features and functionality that you want to showcase in the MVP. We take into consideration UI and UX during the prototype design. We have our own set of tools that we make use of when developing prototypes for your idea.

Who is your target audience?

The prototypes developed, our next step is to create user personas for the MVP. We begin by asking who is going to use the app. How will they use the app, and for what purpose? The answers will help us define the user, and what experience they are looking for. We will translate the insights to be included in the MVP. Such insights help in achieving the goals you have set immediately after the MVP is launched.

Test with use cases

We need to test the MVP with the said target group. We start with building use cases to test your app. There will be multiple user types that you would be targeting; we build use cases for all the groups, and then test the app and get feedback from them.

With this checklist, it is easy to get your business to the customers in 30 days. Sodio’s process with a team of dedicated and experienced developers helps in getting your business to the market within 30 days. We believe in giving you a quick turnaround without compromising on the quality.

