Creative Economy: The Present Business

Soedja — Project Marketplace
Soedja Digital Library
2 min readSep 4, 2018

Creative Economy is a concept that was created due to globalization. The skills of producing and distributing is not enough to remain in an era that begs for speed and practicality. We need to think more than just about producing a product, because the issue that the people are facing are getting even more complex. That’s why creative ideas are needed to find a solution to last in this era.

People, especially businessmen, need to realize the effects of a deadly duet between economy concept and creative concept. This is because not only that both of those concepts focus on production and sales, but also on changes and innovations. This is what’s needed to develop alongside changes throughout the era.

Even Jokowi, the President of Indonesia, is interested and is expecting a lot from creative economy concept. Why? Because according to him, creativity plays a big role in creating innovations that can strengthen the image and culture identity of the country. Not only that, as written on Kominfo’ website page, Jokowi will make a political decision to make creative economy the pillar of economy in the country sometime in the future.

Data from Kominfo shows that creative economy is a good contributor in economic growth with a 5.76% increase. That number exceeded gas and oil economy growth.

Because of this, to face many economic challenges in the future, a collective effort is needed in developing creative economy. By strengthening the creative economy sector, especially it’s involvement in digital technology, local product can shine more in Indonesia.



Soedja — Project Marketplace
Soedja Digital Library

Our platform aims to #MakeThingsHappen by empowering business to collaborate with creative freelancer.