The Big Role of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Businesses in Indonesia

Soedja — Project Marketplace
Soedja Digital Library
2 min readSep 3, 2018

Being an independent country for 73 years have obviously made Indonesia a better country. Now, with this momentum, our contribution as Indonesians are very important and is needed to maximize the immense amount of potential this country has. Indonesians need to be mature enough to face the world, because by being mature, we can see just how valuable the potential that lies in this country. One of said potential are Local Product.

Economic globalization has made local products always rank below imported product in the people’s eye. This is because ironically, Indonesian loves to underestimate their local product. The LLP-KUKM, Ministry of Cooperative and UKM had thought that the support and appreciation from Indonesian themselves are very minimum.

This era of globalization has made us too caught up with trends and other up-to-date things that are happening all over the world without any attempt to balance things out by properly checking out our own country. It won’t take much for Indonesian to change this. By loving and appreciating local products, we’ve already helped our country by propelling micro, small and medium sized businesses.

The appearance of the creative industry plays a big part in accelerating the growth of micro, small and medium sized businesses in Indonesia. Creative industry opened doors for such business to participate in advancing Indonesia’s growth. According to data from Bank Indonesia, it is noted that even though contributions from micro, small and medium sized businesses are the lowest contributing sub-sector on all creative industry, their export percentage are the highest at 15,56% of the total number of non oil and gas exports, or US$131.35 billion to be precise. Imagine what will happen if these micro, small and medium sized businesses is maximized to its true potential?

Other than that, these businesses can be a pleasant surprise that can actually carry our country’s economy to new heights! This is due to the local factor of these micro, small and medium sized businesses, making them unaffected when there’s an economic crisis. Rather, if there is a crisis, they could actually help prop up our economy. They will also be very helpful in providing job vacancies for those who need it.

Therefore, more people need to see the importance of empowering and the welfare of these micro, small and medium sized businesses. The government has helped these businesses by lowering their asset tax rate. So what is our contribution in helping them flourish? We can start by doing the cliche but also important things, which is buying and appreciating local products. Simple.



Soedja — Project Marketplace
Soedja Digital Library

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