Louise Atkinson, Place Myths 2016

Exploring Creative Inquiry in Applied Linguistics

Education Matters


The AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) Research Network in Creative Inquiry and Applied Linguistics was formed at the beginning of 2018 and is co-convened by Dr Jessica Bradley in the School of Education with Drs Lou Harvey (University of Leeds) and Emilee Moore (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). It seeks to be a central research network for researchers working in and around applied linguistics who are engaging with ‘creative inquiry’ in different ways and across multiple contexts. If you are interested in joining the network please contact Jessica Bradley.

Harvey, Bradley and Moore were successful in applying for funding from the British Association for Applied Linguistics and Cambridge University Press to hold a two-day summer seminar on 10th and 11th July 2019 at the University of Leeds. All are welcome. Registration (£50 to include both days) is now open — please follow this link.

The seminar asks what is creative inquiry? and what are its affordances for applied linguistics?, focusing on three main areas:

1. creative methods (e.g. collage, drama, music) for understanding, researching and teaching communication;

2. applied linguistic methods for researching creative/artistic practice or researching arts as objects of communication;

3. engagement in creative collaborations across sectors and disciplines.

Confirmed speakers include Dr George Androulakis (University of Thessaly), Dr Roslyn Appleby (University of Technology, Sydney), Dr Heather Connelly (University of Lincoln)

Professor Tony Crowley (University of Leeds), Dr Maria Grazia Imperiale (University of Glasgow), Dr Vicky Macleroy (Goldsmiths, University of London), Professor Kate Pahl (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dobrochna Futro (University of Glasgow), Dr Heli Paulasto (University of Eastern Finland), Sophie Liggins (Essex), Marta Descepoli (Edinburgh Napier) and Dr Louise Atkinson (artist-researcher).

Seminar discussants are Dr Judith Hanks (University of Leeds), Dr Andrea Milde, (Nottingham Trent University), Dr James Simpson (University of Leeds) and Professor Maggie Kubanyiova (University of Leeds).

Roundtable participants include Professor Mike Baynham (University of Leeds), Dr Simon Coffey (King’s College London), Professor Angela Creese (University of Stirling) and Dr Gameli Tordzro (University of Glasgow/Pan African Arts Scotland).

Dr Jessica Bradley



Education Matters

Research, Scholarship and Innovation in the School of Education at The University of Sheffield. To find our more about us, visit www.sheffield.ac.uk/education.